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The latest news is that over 180k people enrolled to participate in
leadership election for the British Labour Party. the vast majority of them
will be Corbyn supporters.  This is devastating news for the Right and the
Blairites who have provoked the leadership crisis. Corbyn will now win and
his campaign risks becoming a tide that will clean out the Augean Stables
that is the Labour Party establishment.

Already there is sign that the anti-Corbyn push within the party is
weakening.  For example, the rebels launch of their campaign was boycotted
by 80 members of the parliamentary party. Yet, Corbyn's hard core support
is just 40 MPs. The fear of deselection is weighing like a nightmare on the
brains of the opportunists who have been elected to represent the people.

The dirty tricks launched by Deputy leader, Tom Watson, have seemingly
backfired. Increasing the participation fee from 3 pounds to 25 pounds,
banning recent members from voting, and suspending meetings and some
branches have served to shift the moral balance back to Corbyn. The twitter
sphere is full of stories of people selling furniture and taking out loans
so they could pay the fee and support their leader Jeremy Corbyn.

There is no way of knowing how many or how true these stories are, but the
narrative is real and powerful.  This is one of  the little people rising
up against the establishment.

The struggle for the control of the Party is well and truly on. the
candidate standing against Corbyn, Owen Smith, is forced to campaign as a
"radical leftist".  He is of course nothing of the sort. His attempt to
present himself as a radical on the Left, are the dog walking on two legs.
Not well done, but remarkable to see it done at all. The memes of him
declaring himself "normal" will haunt his campaign. He was, of course, dog
whistling against the gay woman Angela Eagle who had not at that stage
dropped out of the contest.

Despair and rage will now grip the Old Right and the Blairites. If we throw
in the element of fear of deselection, we should see very interesting
developments.  The smart opinion is not to split, but the Blairites have
gone so far that there simply might be no alternative to them. The Old
Right and the Soft Left that are ensconced within that formation, will sue
for peace, I think.  Though Watson's tactics have made him something of an

Smith's chances of victory depended heavily on despair gripping the current
membership and additionally of keeping Corbyn's supporters away from the
vote. I loved Richard Seymour's tweet at the news that 180k had registered
in 48 hours to vote. It is so full of the black humor of the Ulster Irish.
Seymour tweeted
*Richard Seymour* ‏@*leninology*  <https://twitter.com/leninology>

Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Etc.

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