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Ramzy Baroud <https://www.facebook.com/ramzy.baroud?fref=nf>
4 hrs <https://www.facebook.com/ramzy.baroud/posts/1124289064313090> ·

My Response to Bill Clinton

Hi Bill,

You made a statement concerning me, my children and millions of Muslims in
America. This is my response.

You said:

"If you’re a Muslim and you love America and freedom and you hate terror,
stay here and help us win and make a future together. We want you."

Yes, I am a Muslim, but I don’t love the America you stand for and
represent, but an America that is both peaceful and inclusive. When that
America exists, I will be the first to die for it. (I know you won’t)

Yes, I love freedom, too, but not your freedom to violate international
law, to wage war at will, to further increase the income disparity between
rich and poor, to violate the sanctity of an elected office and to wreak
havoc upon an already devastated world. Considering how many Muslims lost
their lives because of policies you have espoused throughout the years, the
freedom you speak of has been my very captivity, even demise.

Yes, I hate terror, including the terror that you and your wife inflicted
upon the world: your ‘clean war’ in Kosovo, your Operation Desert Fox in
Iraq and her war on Libya and coup in Honduras; let alone the terror
committed by your friends in Israel, by dictatorial Arab rulers and your
other brutal allies everywhere.

If I stay I have no intentions of helping you (or your wife) build a future
for the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor and abandoned, but
demolish your own doing of a past and present rife with bloodletting abroad
and inequality at home.

However, If I leave, on my own accord, mind you, I will seek a world that
doesn’t condition my being on underhanded ultimatums and blind loyalty to a
system so corrupt that is willingly destroying itself for the sake of money
and the fleeting illusion of ‘power.’

Dear Bill,

‘We want you’, along with your wife, to stand a trial for crimes against
humanity, remorselessly committed during your presidency and her term in
office as Secretary of State.

Fair is fair.
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