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Steven W Thrasher: ‘The speech left me out in the cold’
To anyone who is on the fence, Hillary Clinton appeared far more presidential than Donald Trump. The first woman Democratic nominee skewered Trump with her knowledge, temperament and mostly deft jokes. She evoked 9/11 to her advantage better than Rudy Giuliani ever could, and I could picture her as Commander-In-Chief saying to the Joint Chief of Staff, “Send in the Fifth Fleet!”

For this warlike, militaristic, colonizing country, Clinton could be a perfect leader.

I was annoyed that Clinton praised the “compromising” of America’s founders, since maintaining slavery was perhaps their most significant compromise. She did bring up race twice, acknowledging “mothers who lost children to violence and are building a movement to keep other kids safe” and speaking of “young black and Latino men and women who face the effects of systemic racism, and are made to feel like their lives are disposable.”

But, like Obama, Clinton immediately pivoted to violence against police, as if these problems are equal. She could not say “Black Lives Matter,” and saying “America is great – because America is good” is an insult a day after Freddie Gray’s was denied justice.

Part of me would love to get on Team Clinton. It feels so good and warm to be on a team! But the speech left me out in the cold, still being critical. When she said “Wall Street can never, ever be allowed to wreck Main Street again,” I laughed so hard thinking of her record that a colleague wondered if I was OK.

To be on her team will likely mean having Robert Rubin, Cory Booker, Larry Summers, Goldman Sachs and Citibank as teammates; it will likely include charter schools at home and hawkish empire abroad.

Is that a team worth playing on? I’m not sure it is.

full: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jul/29/hillary-clinton-speech-artful-response-trump-dnc-verdict
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