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The problem with this call is that it is based on an independent Sanders
campaign or Sanders/Green campaign actually becoming the dominant
anti-Trump force. That seems to me to be highly unlikely to say the least
and the idea that Clinton and the Democrats would abandon the field  is
surely put forward as a merely fanciful rhetorical device.

No the reality must be faced that a supercharged third party Sanders/Green
campaign might well secure a healthy percentage of votes but nowhere near
enough to displace Clinton as the major challenger to Trump. The further
reality is that the more successful such a campaign was the more likely
that it would take enough votes from the Clinton Democrats to leave Trump
the final winner.

This is not-as far as I am concerned- an argument against such a campaign.
But it should be built on an honest  understanding of what it involves.

The possibility of a Trump victory  is being used as a bogey-man argument
to force support to the very-right wing candidacy of Hillary Clinton. But
this is not the 1930's , Trump does not equal fascism, the Democrats are
not Social Democrats and a call for an independent left campaign is not a
breach of a non-existent united front against a non-existent threat of

However it would be counter-productive in the short and long run to build a
left third party on a false basis of becoming in this election cycle the
dominant force against Trump. Rather it should be done on the basis of a
decisive break form the falsity of lesser-evilism  and the beginning of a
fight to build an independent political leadership.

While I look at these issues from afar in Australia I would think that a
first step would be advocating a vote for the Greens and to build that as
strongly as possible. Unfortunately Sanders is now out of the picture for
such a project as he has become a shill for Wall St Hillary.

On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 6:24 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/07/29/run-bernie-run-open-letter-to-bernie-sanders-from-former-campaign-staff/
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