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The Solution is Socialism

Learning from Our History • Planning the Fight for Our Future


It has never been clearer.  Capitalism is the problem. It is a system built on 
inequality and exploitation, poverty for the vast majority of the world’s 
people, racism, sexism, homophobia, and the destruction of the planet’s 
life-sustaining natural systems. But what is the solution? Come to an 
educational conference organized around the conviction that we can build an 
eco-socialist future managed and enriched by working class democracy, 
creativity, and solidarity.


A One-Day Conference • October 22, 2016

Central Connecticut State University, New Britain CT

Sponsored by the CCSU Youth for Socialist Action


Speakers include:


·       David Farrell, Youth for Socialist Action, Capitalist Crisis & 
Revolutionary Socialist Strategy Today


·       Hannah A. Holleman, Amherst College, Method in Ecological Marxism


·       Charles Post, Borough of Manhattan Community College, Origins of US 


·       Alan Sears, Ryerson University, Toronto, Marxism & LGBTQI Liberation


·       Wendy Z. Goldman, Carnegie Mellon University, Women, the State, and 


·       Edmond Caldwell, independent scholar, The Revolutionary Culture of the 
Paris Commune


·      Johnny E. Williams, Trinity College, The Carceral State as a Social 
Control and Profit-Making Agent




International guests include:


·       Juan Cruz Ferre, Partido de los Trabajadores de Socialistas, The Left 
and Workers Front (FIT) Electoral Strategy and Victory in Argentina


·       Student representative, Movimiento Independista Nacional Hostosiano, 
The Fight Against Austerity in Puerto Rico


Special Appearance:


·       Jeff Mackler, Socialist Action candidate for President           


Activist panels will address the current struggles for immigrant rights, for 
Black lives, for low wage workers, for LGBTQI rights, for abortion rights and 
against rape culture, against the fossil fuel economy, and against war.


Time to socialize to follow. For more information: Facebook.com/ccsuysa

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