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Read my blogs at the Linux Beach <http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/>

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:16 AM, Dennis Brasky <dmozart1...@gmail.com>

> Clay has done outstanding work in defending the Syrian Revolution against
> the lies and slanders of the "anti-imperialist" pro-Baathist Left as well
> as his excellent video on the US destruction of Vietnam. It is thus with
> great sadness that I am forced to conclude that he has gone off the deep
> end politicially in his latest post where he states -
> "Not only is Hillary Clinton's position far more sympathetic to the Syrian
> people and their plight, as a purely practical political matter, she is
> correct to embrace the reality that any solution that does not involve the
> overthrow of the Assad regime can never succeed in bringing peace to Syria
> or allowing the millions of Syrian refugees to go home."
> Hillary Clinton, no more than Obama, has NO SYMPATHY for the Syrian
> people!

I'm reading this from the bathroom at work so I don't have time for a long
reply, just this short plea that you read what I wrote before you reply. I
try to be very precise in my language.

I didn't say Clinton had any sympathy for the Syrian people, I said that
(objectively) her POSITION was far more sympathetic.

I don't have time to elaborate, so just think about that for a moment.
Here's a hint - I would also say that FDR's per Dec. 7th POSITION was more
sympathetic to the USSR without at all thinking that he was pro-communist.

> It is nauseating to have to state this on a MARXISM list! Like Obama, she
> wants only to force Assad to step aside while maintaining his regime in the
> same way that Bush in 1991 called for the Iraqi people to get rid of Saddam
> - but not his regime. In this way, US imperialism hopes to achieve some
> degree of stability in the region as well as in Europe by allowing the
> massive number of refugees to return and thus reduce the social-political
> xenophobic tensions there.
> Clay also states that a left opposition to the Democrats = “spoiler” = a
> vote for Trump - "the Green Party is actually helping the Trump campaign!"
> He has thus swallowed whole the standard Democratic Party line that
> delegitimizes any and all left opposition to them. Following this line
> would permanently prevent the creation of such an opposition. To cover
> himself, he appeals to the fear that, while in the past, the boy was lying
> about "crying wolf" when seeking to demonize the Republicans to bludgeon
> the left into voting lesser evil, this time it's different - there really
> is a big bad wolf, ready to launch a white supremacist war. President
> Hillary is the only obstacle to that nightmarish scenario! With "friends"
> like this, who needs enemies?
> For me, Clay has destroyed his political credibility. I don't understand
> why he's still here and not volunteering his talents to the Clinton
> campaign.
> P.S. - John Negroponte!! Another neocon Hillary supporter. Is Henry K
> next?? You're in great company Clay!
> http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/08/10/former-
> top-bush-official-negroponte-endorses-clinton.html
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 3:53 AM, Clay Claiborne via Marxism <
> marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
>> http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/2016/08/meet-green-partys-jil
>> l-stein-putin-sock.html
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