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Louis does a poor job here of defending Stein. The issue was never really
about being anti-vaccinations, it was about her pandering to those who do.
Here as my initial response:

"Louis, she perhaps does believe what she says but she is clearly
*catering* to anti-vaxxers. This is the point of most of the blogs and
essays written about her position. The fact that she even brings up in the
paragraph you quoted her from is designed to placate the anti-vaxx
activists endemic in the Green Party today. Arel is essentially correct:
Stein is pandering here and it’s obvious and *beneath* her as a MD. The
bringing up of thimerosal is a case in point, which is no longer used, and
with it’s *removal* there has been zero effect on fetal brain development
for the better. In other words, it was a scare story from the get go.
Thimerosal is methylmercury NOT the kind of mercury we see coming out of
coal plant effluent or used in instruments which called ethylmercury. It is
good to question, but one has to look at the conclusions science has

On her comment that is extracted about trusting the regulatory boards…and
directly associating it with the issue of vaccines is totally disingenuous
on her part: she fails to point out that it appears beyond a shadow of a
doubt that these same regulatory boards with regards to vaccines were 100%
correct and the doubters were 100% incorrect. And she knows this so why
does she bring it up? It’s called pandering to the anti-science wackos in
her milieu."

[Even the mercury charge was proven false...thimerosal was never proven
un-healthy was removed as a vaccination preservatvie *soley* due to public
(meaning, "no data") pressure groups.

By not coming full force in supporting, *specifically* the MMR vaccine,
which has been proven 100% safe she only reinforces the anti-vaxxers
criminal campaign again vaccinations. This is seen throughout the
discussion of 80 or so comments by defenders of the anti-vaxx campaign that
have infected Louis's essay...in support of Louis' defense of Stein.

She panders to the anti-wifi lunactic fringe of the Green Party as well. I
would, in fact, urge everyone to look at those links provided by the
initial post here on her. I have zero doubt this is for the benefit of
Clinton. But it is Stein who handed this issue to the Clinton supporters on
a silver platter.

I would argue that this by itself is not most relevant aspect of the Stein
campaign. I'd say it is a problem, however.

David Walters
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