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Interesting. I never knew the *National Interest *was a neo-con journal.
The reason, is that I never really cared to look beyond the specific issue
that the NI excels in: the debates and discussions around military
technology as used by the U.S. and and how it stacks up against other
countries latest developments in human destruction. NI reflects the ruling
class debates over military expenditures, weapons systems and deployment.
NI plays the same role with regards to these issues as* Foreign Affairs *does
in reflecting a wing of ruling class' foreign policy initiatives and
proposals (and is still very useful in this role).

I haven't read the article that Louis posted but you can be sure the ideas
that flow from it due represent (or at least are read!) by various
important policy wonks in the government (and despite it's neo-Con
heritage, read by the same types in both parties).

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