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I followed the links that Lou sent and read Hudson's review of Galbraith.
I am surprised that Galbraith was surprised by what the Troika did to
Greece. The smashing of Syriza was  politically essential for  *encourager
les autres. *In that it seems to have succeeded because the onward march of
Podemos and Sinn Fein has been halted.

With Sanders folding and becoming  a cheer leader for Clinton, Corbynism
seems to be the only remaining game in town.

But his position is far from secure, even though he had a resounding
victory in the leadership election.  His opponents will endeavor to keep
him tied down within the Westminster bubble where he is clearly at a
disadvantage.  His party is mostly treacherous and disloyal. As a
consequence, the Government know that when they mock Corbyn in parliament,
most of his own party are cheering them on.

For Corbyn's political colleagues, their main weapon of choice will be
leaks to the media. They will complain that he does not genuinely want to
be Prime Minister, while they do all the can to push Labour down in the

Out in the constituencies the local party apparatchiks and the MPs will do
all they can to choke off the enthusiasm of the new members. Operation
Boredom will be the order of the day.

So it is a negative stalling and spoiling game that the anti-Corbyn forces
will play. Meanwhile the Corbyn camp appears to be listening to the
appeasers. "Peace in Our Time" would seem to be the slogan and so the Party
bureaucracy, the Old Right, the Blairites and the Soft Left live to fight
another day.

I watched Paul Mason debating Ed Balls the former  Labour Shadow Chancellor
who lost his seat in the 2015 election. I was struck by how much Balls was
tied to a static view of the world.  For him the task is to persuade those
who voted Tory to vote Labour.  He did not mention the millions who stopped
voting out of despair at the rightward drift of the Labour Party. Nor did
he seem to take into account the rapid period of change that is on us. The
ebbing and flowing and surging and pooling of political time are outside
the ken of bourgeois or positivist thought, based as it is on the
conviction that what is on the surface, is all there is.

Balls and his ilk simply cannot comprehend why hundreds of thousands would
flock to join the Labour Party.  He dismisses them as a 'mob' and pins his
hopes on the millions who voted Tory. They cannot be changed through an
ideological struggle.  Rather, the Left must accommodate to them. Hence the
outcry when Corbyn refuses to attack immigration levels. Polly Toynbee of
the Guardian said he has chosen "martyrdom".

I remain cautiously optimistic. But I cannot give a coherent reason for
that optimism.  It just seems to me that the hegemony of neoliberal
capitalism is weakening significantly and the next economic shock could be
the telling blow. I am of course aware that the economic crisis can give
rise to forces on the far right. But a rational decent resolution of the
conjuncture should not be ruled out in advance, certainly not by the Left.


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