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Jeff Halper is active in the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions

Jeff Halper6 hrs ยท Wow, a Christmas present from the UN! 14 of the 15 members 
of the Security Council passed a pretty strong resolution against settlement 
construction -- and against the demolition of Palestinian homes. The US was the 
odd-man out as usual, but at least it abstained, thus allowing the resolution 
to pass.The vote has no immediate repercussions. It doesn't contain sanctions 
on Israel for ignoring and violating it -- which the Israeli government has 
already says it will. The only genuinely effective way to end settlement 
construction and all other Israeli attempts to make the Occupation permanent is 
to enforce the the Geneva Convention, which would dismantle Israeli 
settlements. But that won't happen (the US is DEFINITELY against that). So the 
UN Resolution is symbolic -- strongly symbolic, perhaps paving the way for 
appeals to international courts and certainly affecting public opinion -- but 
it will not end the political reality that the two-state solution is dead and 
gone (Trump will only bury it officially, which will serve the useful purpose 
of clearing the air so we can get on with finding a REAL solution).More than 
anything, the UN Resolution points up the fundamental flaw and failing of us, 
Palestinians and Israelis who seek a truly just peace. The UN vote shows how 
much support for Palestinian have. Russia (despite its closeness to Israel and 
Trump), the UK (despite its extreme right-wing government), China (despite its 
growing military ties to Israel), Spain, Senegal and Angola (despite 
Netanyahu's courting of African countries, using military arms as inducements), 
Japan and others -- they all all voted for the resolution. So, too, did Egypt 
in the end, Israeli and Trump pressures notwithstanding. And the US abstained. 
Israel has already accused Obama of "collusion" and "abandoning it. Apparently 
giving Israel $40 billion in military aid over the next 10 years is not enough 
to prove "loyalty."The vote shows how mobilizable the international community 
is in support of the Palestinians, and in fact how weak Israel's position is. 
Yet it also shows how impotent and "symbolic" that support is without an 
end-game to give it direction and teeth.This is a setback for Israel, to be 
sure, but governments will not come up with a JUST solution. Human rights, 
international law, justice -- these are values they support in symbolic 
resolutions like that of the Security Council, but they are certainly not the 
bases of foreign policy. (Jimmy Carter got laughed out of office and is still a 
persona non-grata in the Democratic Party because he tried to introduce human 
rights into American foreign policy). Governments will only manage conflicts, 
usually to the benefit of the strong side, like Israel. If we, the people, 
civil society, led by Palestinians and Israeli stakeholders, want a genuine and 
just solution, we have to decide what it is. People and governments are 
mobilizable, that is clear from yesterday's vote. But they will not move to 
actually end the Occupation and achieve a just peace unless we, Palestinians 
and their Israeli partners, lead the way.This is our wake-up call. We can win, 
but we have to be smart, strategic and pro-active. Yala!   

See: http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.761049

See also
Netanyahu Cancels Ukrainian PM's Visit to Israel Over Security Council Vote
The decision was made in light of Ukraine's vote in favor of a resolution 
condemning Israeli settlements, senior official says.

read more: http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.761122

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