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At 09:31 26-12-16 -0500, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

This is a somewhat interesting article about a massive construction project 
for the direct detection of dark matter, with no scientific or technical 
details. On a related subject is some important new work in theoretical 
physics over which Fred Murphy earlier posted a link:

Fred Murphy via Marxism 15:26 08-11-16 -0500   [Marxism] New theory of gravity 
might explain dark matter

Unfortunately that post was overshadowed by the American election occurring 
at the same time, so I didn't answer it. However I will now dig up the 
material I would have referred to. Please see my next post if you are 
interested in physics developments.

The subject line of that earlier post is a bit misleading. The new theory 
doesn't explain dark matter but rather explains the observed gravitational 
effects heretofore ascribed to "dark matter", removing any need for 
postulating the latter. Since there's nothing good happening politically, I 
might as well post about physics, so stay tuned.....

- Jeff
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