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clip from article on the counterposing of economic issues to those of
social justice, by Bill Fletcher - a longtime defender of working within
the Democratic Party

What passes for identity politics should actually be understood as social
justice struggles that aim for consistent democracy and become, as a
result, component parts of the larger class struggle. These are not battles
around one’s identity. This is not self-indulgent activity by people who,
for whatever reason, do not recognize the importance of economics.

Identity politics, at least the way that it has been used as a term since
the election, describes a politics that asserts the need for representation
of historically marginalized and oppressed populations; and the
representation of their issues. In that sense, what we are discussing is
social justice and not something that should even be described as “identity
politics.” It is more a politics of inclusion and for democracy rather than
a politics of distinctiveness or uniqueness.

Capitalism is founded on classes and class struggle. Class struggle takes
place over the basic question of the control of the means of production,
distribution and exchange and, more generally, the control over the social
surplus. But if someone stops there one misses actually existing
capitalism. Capitalist states do not exist as some sort of economic
abstraction but are rooted in specific histories. Those histories include
multiple layers of oppression, some inherited from previous social
formations (and modes of production), and others developed specifically
within the context of emerging capitalism. In both cases, however, these
forms of oppression, e.g., patriarchy; racism, have become central features
of the manner in which actually existing capitalism operates.


> On 1/16/17 6:06 AM, Gary MacLennan wrote:
>> Genuine question, Lou - why is  Benn Michaels one of your least
>> favored?  I have been reading his stuff on identity politics and would
>> value your thoughts on his work.
>> https://louisproyect.org/2009/09/04/a-critique-of-walter-benn-michaels/
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