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Theresa May has repeatedly refused to confirm whether she knew about a reported failed Trident test when she addressed parliament during a debate on the renewal of Britain’s nuclear deterrent.

An unarmed Trident II D5 missile veered in the wrong direction towards the US when it was launched from a British submarine off the coast of Florida in June last year, the Sunday Times reported.

It quoted an unnamed senior naval source as saying that the “disastrous failure” caused panic in Downing Street, which feared it would damage the credibility of Britain’s nuclear deterrent and so decided to cover it up.

In July, weeks after the test and days after May became prime minister, MPs voted overwhelmingly to spend up to £40bn on replacing Britain’s Trident programme. May drew gasps during the parliamentary debate when she made clear she would be willing to authorise a nuclear strike killing 100,000 people. However, she made no mention of the test and both Labour and the SNP have demanded to know why.

full: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/jan/22/ltrident-malfunction-cover-up-claims-labour-urges-investigations
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