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In his small-mindedness and lack of aspiration, Trump curiously resembles Putin, though the origins of the two men’s stubborn mediocrity could not be more different. Aspiration should not be confused with ambition—both men want to be ever more powerful and wealthier, but neither wants to be or even appear better. (One way in which Putin continuously reasserts his lack of aspiration is by making crude jokes at the most inappropriate times—as when, during a joint appearance with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum in 2013, he compared EU monetary policy to a wedding night: “No matter what you do, the result will the same,” his way of lightly covering up the “you get fucked” punchline. Watch this video to see the German chancellor cringe.

full: http://www.nybooks.com/daily/2017/01/24/styrofoam-presidency-trump-aesthetics/
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