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US Arab Spring policy? Third party counter-revolution
by eternispring


The “rebel” factions that the US has directly supported in Syria have always been those that do not fight Assad – in other words rebels that don’t rebel. The SDF position on Syria is identical to that of the US – a “third option” theoretically distinguishable from the regime but which ultimately involves indirect support to it. This “regime preservation by proxy” has been US policy in the conflict, helping it to avoid the criticisms which would otherwise arise from unmediated direct support – with other “proxy” US-backed allies of the regime include Iraqi army brigades (who currently form the biggest ground forces of the Assad regime) and the Egyptian al-Sisi regime.

Another example of what’s talked about here is the famed “US only found 54 moderate rebels to fight ISIS”. Hundreds of outlets (mainstream and alternative) probably recirculated the original context-less source piece, in turn reaching millions of people. And in only a tiny minority will the crucial detail being missing: that there were only 54 signatories because the US stipulated that those who signed up sign a declaration to use their weapons only to fight ISIS, not Assad. This in turn provides the source material for “alternative media” outlets to repeat the upside-down narrative of a US conspiracy against the Assad regime.The result literally from just one misleading piece failing to add a line is millions of people understanding the issue upside down.

This isn’t unique to Syria either; for instance you’ll often find Zionists say “the Palestinians rejected the 1947 UN partition plan which would’ve given a peaceful solution to the Arabs and Israelis”. And whilst this is certainly true, as ever the critical small-print is missing: that the Palestinians rejected a plan which a) divided a country which shouldn’t have been divided and b) even in this division gave away more than half of the territory to a minority largely foreign population. For decades such myths were allowed to expand before being adequately challenged.

The reality is that every single faction the US has directly supported in the Syrian conflict have been brigades that have stopped fighting Assad. Whether its the SDF factions, the Mua’atasim Brigade or the New Syrian Army, all of these groups only got US support once they made clear they wouldn’t be fighting Assad. Some, like the NSA which operate on the Syrian-Iraqi border have even collaborated with the pro-Assad Iraqi government.

The indirect support has also allowed the US to directly support the regime as well. By pursuing a “third path” the regime was eventually rehabilitated enough and by 2014 the US was bombing Assad’s enemies – “moderate” and extreme – alongside his airforce.

Full: https://eternispring.wordpress.com/2017/03/03/us-arab-spring-policy-third-party-counter-revolution/?fb_action_ids=1414757321930172&fb_action_types=news.publishes
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