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Here is a sample of factlets from surveys and studies conducted in the past twenty years. Seventy percent of Americans believe in the existence of angels. Fifty percent believe that the earth has been visited by UFOs; in another poll, seventy percent believed that the US government is covering up the presence of space aliens on earth. Forty percent did not know whom the US fought in World War II. Forty percent could not locate Japan on a world map. Fifteen percent could not locate the United States on a world map. Sixty percent of Americans have not read a book since leaving school. Only six percent now read even one book a year. According to a very familiar statistic that nonetheless cannot be repeated too often, the average American's day includes six minutes playing sports, five minutes reading books, one minute making music, thirty seconds attending a play or concert, twenty-five seconds making or viewing art, and four hours watching television.

Among high-school seniors surveyed in the late 1990s, fifty percent had not heard of the Cold War. Sixty percent could not say how the United States came into existence. Fifty percent did not know in which century the Civil War occurred. Sixty percent could name each of the Three Stooges but not the three branches of the US government. Sixty percent could not comprehend an editorial in a national or local newspaper.

full: http://georgescialabba.net/mtgs/2012/05/decline-and-fall.html
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