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Just finished Jeffery Webber's 300 page book on how the "pink tide" in Latin America was a neoliberal con job aided and abetted by Martha Harnecker. Will be writing something tomorrow for Counterpunch but will state at this point how sterile this exercise is. It reminds me of all those articles in the ISO press for the past 15 years based on interviews with Venezuelan "revolutionaries" who testified against the perfidy of the Chavistas. The problem is that pointing out the deficiencies of Morales, Chavez or Correa is relatively easy. The hard part is developing strategies that can lead to a socialist revolution and becoming part of an organized movement that can gain the allegiance of the masses. Whatever else you want to say about Morales, Chavez and Correa, they knew how to win people to their ideas. Unless the Marxist left can develop the same sort of abilities, it is next to useless. You should never forget that Lenin's polemics against the Mensheviks was only part of his legacy. For every article excoriating Martov, there were a dozen others with proposals on LEFT UNITY and STRATEGY. If you think that Leninism is the same thing as denouncing Morales for encouraging soybean farms in Bolivia, you really need to study Lenin more thoroughly.
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