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This is a brilliant piece. I accept his argument (& Lou's) that calling
Trump a fascist can actually get us to ignore the real problem or to look
in the wrong direction.

Quite clearly we are not dealing with a fascist regime in the USA. Though,
I doubt not that at least some of the Trump- team would not have stood out
in the crowd at Nuremberg.

Still,I have to confess to almightygodsohelpmemaryevervirgin and plead
guilty to calling Trump a fascist as a term of abuse. I will desist in



On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 3:01 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> A comment from the always interesting Farans Kalosar:
> Gleichschaltung has to be understood as the second phase of a two-step
> Nazification process, the first stage being the machetergreifung or
> machtuebernahme, the capture or takeover of power.
> The sequence of events in culminating with Hitler's appointment as
> Chancellor on January 30, 1933 was the first stage. What led up to that was
> a complex series of opportunistic maneuvers within the legal limitations of
> the Weimar constitution, which amounted to a hollowing out or
> neutralization from within of the rules and rituals of bourgeois
> parliamentary government. This was accompanied by a buildup of coercive
> forces under the banner of the Party and the expansion of military-style
> organization to every corner and aspect of life in the Reich.
> Despite a long history of preparation for power, the bringing into line of
> the German state and people through an aggressive program of organization,
> regimentation, and legal repression can be seen as beginning in earnest
> with the Enabling Act of March 28, 1933, which established the formal
> dictatorship of Adolf Hitler. This process of organization and
> reorganization would continue for twelve years and would involve a
> continuous doubling down on the most extreme outrageous positions and
> practices of the Nazis, leading eventually to the Final Solution and the
> total defeat of the German armed forces in 1945.
> You could allege that the current regime in Washington completed the
> seizure of power in January 2017 and that the bringing into line is now
> under way. But in fact, there are few signs of anything really analogous to
> the rise to and consolidation of power by Hitler.
> Where the Nazis--while defiantly incoherent intellectually--were utterly
> on point when it came to organization (albeit with a multitude of mutually
> hostile fiefdoms), Donald Trump is chaotic and almost deliberately
> inconsistent. Indeed, Trump appears to be making no more practical use of
> his majorities in congress than Barack Obama did when first elected.
> Where everything in the Nazi state aimed to mobilize the German masses
> toward the goals of the State, Trumpism seeks to put the masses to sleep.
> The message from the chaotic and wildly undisciplined Trump isn't "join us
> and we will conquer the world." It's "Relax: you've elected the right guy
> and he will take care of everything." Trump's icons are the wildly
> eccentric and unclubbable Kid Rock and Alex Jones, not Himmler or Goebbels.
> He has no SS, no SA, and his rallies--so far--are merely intended to
> stimulate passive approval of his actions and improve his standing in the
> polls. His White House is a chaos of impulsive appointments and firings
> where the only consistency is supplied by the members of Trump's own family.
> Indeed, Trump appears bewildered by the very powerful authoritarian
> machinery bequeathed to every American president since Roosevelt, and even
> to be at war with such nominal icons of U.S. fascism as the FBI and the
> CIA. While he has appointed a disingenuous right-wing fanatic to the
> Supreme Court, and an out-and-out Ku Kluxer as head of the Department of
> Justice, the much-bruited total reorganization of the federal government
> has yet to begin in earnest and may never happen.
> Furthermore, enormous rallies like the Women's March and last week's
> significant Peoples' Climate march take place with hundreds of thousands of
> demonstrators cursing the name of Trump--while White House staffers gather
> in the open door of the mansion and look on--and yet nothing happens to the
> protesters apart from a few right-wingers calling them "morons."
> I do not disagree that the present situation is only transitional and is
> very dangerous. We can't assume that Trump will remain, as he appears so
> far to have been, largely a paper tiger--or at least, someone whose
> governance in the long run will not differ much from what we would have
> seen under Hillary Clinton.
> But the problem with wielding the "fascist" swear-word is not that
> Trumpism is less dangerous to the peoples of the world than fascism, but
> rather that it may be significantly different but even more dangerous,
> causing us to look in vain for the wrong enemy and ignoring the one that is
> under our noses. Indeed, fascism itself is by no means synonymous--as
> American liberals always try to assume--with the Final Solution. It
> includes such relatively mild infractions as hauling your enemies into a
> police station, dosing them with castor oil, and literally beating the crap
> out of them with rubber hoses--or merely, like the fascist Putin, ordering
> a relatively small number of your political enemies to be assassinated in
> broad daylight. But Hillary Clinton is not going to be locked up or
> shot--and neither, for that matter (if things go on as at present) is Louis
> Proyect.
> Historical fascism was a temporary response of capitalism to a crisis that
> included the powerful presence of militant and effective Communist Parties
> in Italy and Germany. After the cataclysm of the Second World War, actually
> existing fascism--historical fascism or true fascism if you like--was
> utterly defeated as an overt political force for many decades. But
> capitalism and imperialism went on much as if nothing had happened, as
> indeed they do today--albeit in new guises.
> If we are going to understand Trumpism in relation to fascism, we must
> first see him in relation to the political crisis of capitalism without
> immediate reference to fascism. It is quite possible that Trump will never
> head a truly fascist regime. Where are his storm troops? Where is his
> Enabling Act? The danger to which the absence of these things may blind us
> is that Trump is not a fascist because he does not have to be--in other
> words, that the capitalist system does not require Nazi pseudo-revolution
> because in reality, as things stand to day (with a nod to M. Thatcher)
> "there is no alternative."
> What could be worse than fascism? If you look at the broad spectrum of
> actual fascisms excluding the Final Solution, a great many rather different
> things could be at least as bad if not worse. But beyond that, there is at
> least the "metabolic rift with the environment"--a problem that does not
> appear to be solvable within the limits of capitalism--which raises the
> specter of human extinction.
> If that isn't worse than fascism, what is? And climate and the environment
> are not the only things that could be worse.
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