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Interesting, David. Requires a lot of discussion. For those of who have
joined the latest anti-development wing of "Marxism" called
"anti-productivism", one should consider this. What does it mean "after the
productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of
the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more
abundantly". I remember Socialist Action member and writer at a forum 5 or
years ago slamming her fist down on the table at the top of her voice
stating "we have to understand that we USE TOO MUCH!".

I applaud, however, the more enlightened ecosocialist blogs that have
discussed this to some degree...the seeming contradiction between escaping
commodity production (in the modern 'consumerist' form that IS detrimental
to the planet) and the perspective of all of historical Marxism to
*increase* the productive forces under socialism so we can march toward

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