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US enforces its No Fly Zone over Rojava, leading to World War III …

… well, not quite, just the continuation of six years of genocidal war
as Assad, Russia and the US pulverize Syria

By Michael Karadjis

For the first time in the 6-year Syrian war, the US shot down an
Assadist warplane on June 18, in defence of its allies in the Syrian
Democratic Forces (SDF), the US-backed military and political front
dominated by the Kurdish-led People’s Protection Units (YPG). Assadist
warplanes had carried out the highly unusual act of bombing the SDF in
the town of Ja’Din, near Tabqa in Raqqa Province.

For most of the war, the Assad regime and the YPG/SDF have largely
avoided militarily confronting each other. While not allies, neither
are they enemies, and have at times collaborated in parts of the
country when it suited, including the YPG’s assistance to Assad in the
recent siege of rebel Aleppo.

In contrast, the YPG/SDF has become the largest and most strategic US
ally in the conflict, as both the US and the SDF are focused entirely
on defeating the Islamic State (ISIS) in eastern Syria. As neither
have any interest in supporting the rebellion against the Assad
dictatorship, a phenomenon overwhelmingly taking place in the more
populated west of the country, they can get on with what is largely a
parallel war elsewhere. Thus the US has provided the SDF with wall to
wall air cover for all its operations since late 2014, has sent
hundreds of US special forces to aid the SDF, and has set up a number
of military bases in SDF-controlled territory.

The Obama administration announced its first and only No Fly Zone in
Syria in the Kurdish-dominated parts of northern Syria known as
‘Rojava’, controlled by the YPG/SDF, in August 2016, when Assadist
jets suddenly decided to do a little bombing of the YPG in Hassakah.
Although the YPG had not done anything to provoke this attack, at
times the regime likes to remind anyone outside its control who is

While the regime pragmatically allows the SDF to run Rojava so that it
can use all its resources to crush the Syrian uprising, it
occasionally likes to remind the SDF that it is opposed to either any
Kurdish autonomy, or to any ‘democratic confederalist’ project the SDF
seeks to run in Rojava, and that as soon as the rest of the rebellion
is crushed, it will come for them.

That time, last August, the US warned the Assadist warplanes to keep
away or they would get bombed. They ran away fast.

Now they came back to test out the NFZ, so the US knocked a warplane
out of the sky.

On the question of “World War III”


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