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On 7/27/17 3:55 PM, Carl G. Estabrook wrote:
A list devoted to the ideas of the one who said, “...the productive forces 
developing in the womb of bourgeois society create the material conditions for 
the solution of that antagonism … arising from the social conditions of life…”?

We have had productive forces up the wazoo for a century at least. Our job is building a revolutionary movement that can convert them to produce use values rather than exchange values. The Trump presidency is a vicious attack on the American people, from immigrants to gays to wage workers. It is also an attack on our health with Monsanto getting the green light to sell a carcinogenic pesticide that had been banned by the EPA. Health care will disappear soon, with the crappy Obamacare going first. You can talk all you want about how inadequate it is but my unemployed brother-in-law can get medical care without paying a penny now. People like you, Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson conned yourself into believing Trump's campaign speeches just like Carl Davidson conned himself into believing Obama's speeches in 2007. Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson seemed to have awoken from their opium pipe fantasies but you seem to still be intoxicated.
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