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If you can find the time for an extended piece on the Venezuelan situation
that would be deeply appreciated.  I was dismayed to note that the
radical/progressive Radio Station Novara Media out of London is to arrange
a debate on Venezuela - for and against. That to me means that the counter
revolutionary forces in Venezuela have been very successful in their self

As I read things, the neoliberal centre is in crisis. The UK is about to
undertake the construction of a Keynesian centre, but in South America we
apparently are having a doubling down on neoliberalism.

I am thinking here of the vanguard role of Pinochet. Is Corbyn the future
or is some rough beast slouching towards Bethlehem to be born?





On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 2:24 PM, michael a. lebowitz via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> Initial reports from the Electoral Commission is that over 8 million [or
> 41% of the electorate] voted.
>       michael
> --
> ---------------------
> Michael A. Lebowitz
> Professor Emeritus
> Economics Department
> Simon Fraser University
> 8888 University Drive
> Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
> Home:   Phone 604-689-9510
> Cell: 604-789-4803
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