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Three years ago to the day, I wrote an article for Counterpunch (https://www.counterpunch.org/…/22/gunning-for-vandana-shiva/) answering a filthy attack on Vandana Shiva in the New Yorker Magazine by a guy named Michael Specter that included this:

Once again resorting to dodgy ratios, Specter tries to turn the peasant suicide epidemic in India into an urban legend by assuring readers that it is “comparable” to those in France. If your image of the French countryside is that of a plump, prosperous and happy petite-bourgeoisie smiling at overflowing cornucopias of sunflower seeds and artichokes, then maybe this makes sense. But the truth is that France is suffering as well. Between 2007 and 2009, male farmers were 20 percent more likely to commit suicide than in other professions. Indeed, a farmer killed himself every two days, in nearly all instances because of economic ruin—the same problem that is driving Indian farmers to kill themselves.

Today, the NY Times confirms what I wrote:
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