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Interesting. A similar phenomenon is taking place here in Brazil, too. A
right-wing politician is currently being supported by women, gay, and black
people, despite being sexist, homophobic and racist.

Yours, for socialism,

2017-08-23 10:50 GMT-03:00 Louis Proyect via Marxism <

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> I watched Trump's rally in Phoenix, Arizona for a few minutes last night
> and like most people was struck by a young Black man with a rather demented
> smile waving a "Blacks for Trump" sign. It turns out he has a website. Here
> is what you will find there:
> Republican Senators blocking Trump are Cherokees & Mormons & are
> infiltraters in the Rep. Senate like McCain to block Trump & Muller are
> coming down with Great Wrath because their wicked time to block good policy
> is short, Rev.12:10 & Dan.8:25!
> Proof that tho ur mixed with these Racist Cherokees ur not them because ur
> Taxed & Regulated etc. & they're not, they hate black & white people
> perpetually Eze.35:5 & Gen.36:1-5!
> http://www.honestfact.com/
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