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Nowhere in the reprinted Counterpunch article by Alexander Cockburn on the
SPLC is it mentioned that it engaged in spying.  That the Anti-Defamation
League did, there can be no doubt.

How much can the German Communist Party of the Weimar Republic be blamed
for Hitler's rise to power, really?.  It was a Social Democrat, Gustav
Noske, who organized the Freikorps into a death squad that assassinated
Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknicht.  Did the Weimar Social Democrats ever
reach out to the KPD to form an anti-Nazi coalition?  Should the KPD have
trusted the Social Democrats given its then-recent past for which it did
not apologize?

On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 2:28 AM, John Obrien via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> I must take issue with this "How Should We Protest Neo-Nazis" article for
> two reasons
> (I prefer to defeat them not just protest them)
> First the moderator describes the Southern Poverty Law Center as "a civil
> rights advocacy organization".
> For those with memories, this group was revealed as spying on left groups
> and providing names etc. to
> the Anti-Defamation League (their main sponsor) who then turned that
> information over to both the
> governments of Israel and the United States.  The head of the SPLC Morris
> Dees is no leftist and made
> millions of dollars as the SPLC paid staff!   Their board has militarists
> and corporatists and wealthy lawyers.
> The SPLC is an anti-left Zionist organization that serves the state of
> Israel and spies on the left.
> Second, how the Nazis actually came to power and to insinuate it was
> because of people in Germany were
> physically fighting the Nazis that had aided them - is nonsense and
> re-writing history.  The fascists first
> came to power in Hungary and then Italy and Hitler came later. Hitler came
> to power because of the
> Krupps, U. S. Senator Prescott Bush and other capitalists funding them,
> who feared Germany would
> have a socialist revolution.
> The liberals and conscious agents of the bourgeoisie such as the SPLC,
> avoid the class issues and
> why and how the fascists came to power in many nations in Europe in the
> 20th Century following
> the horrendous effects of WWI.  The failure of the German Communist Party
> with its own large
> organized militias to not even physically fight the Nazis and melt away
> when Hitler enacts his
> dictatorial rule, is also a reason for the Nazis rule, as well as their
> categorizing the social democrats
> (SPD) as "social fascists" and failing to unite to fight the Nazis.  Leon
> Trotsky work: The Struggle
> Against Fascism in Germany (second edition, page  192) has him correctly
> write: By ignoring the
> specific nature of fascism, the will to fight against it becomes
> inevitably paralyzed.
> Fascists do not abide by "majority rule" or have respect for the views of
> others. They seek power and
> to crush all they oppose - and fear.
> To ignore fascists rallies and protests is a mistake.  They need to be
> challenged and isolated - and
> the recent mobilization in Boston was a great example of how to
> successfully do that, in mobilizing
> broad sections of the working class and disempowering and isolating the
> fascists.
> The United States has had many fascists groups in its history - the Klan,
> Silver Shirts, Gerald Smith,
> Father Coughlin etc.  As a Gay activist I had  to deal with many fascist
> groups - and this includes many
> sections of the right wing evangelists.
> The fascists want to terrorize, cause fear and make opponents immobilized
> and isolated, to oppose them.
> They operate like the board game 'GO' created in Japan, that is all about
> pushing forward to grab
> space and isolate one's opponent to surrender and conquer.  Fascists are
> not intent on being a
> polite debating society.  Their intent is to destroy all opposition -
> including murdering us.
> Relying on the Southern Poverty Law Center is a serious mistake.  The left
> needs to have their
> own organizations to oppose fascists and not trust those who favor
> capitalist rule.  Putting ones
> trust and hopes in the capitalist state or groups like the SPLC, that view
> the left as the enemy,
> is an error - and reflects more on how the fascists came to power in
> Europe in the 20th Century.
> ________________________________
> .
> In the court of public opinion, accusations of mayhem and chaos in the
> streets will, as a rule, tend to stick against the left, not the right.
> This was true in Germany in the 1920s. It was true even when opponents
> of fascism acted in self-defense or tried to use relatively mild
> tactics, such as heckling. It is true in the United States today, where
> even peaceful rallies against racist violence are branded riots in the
> making.
> Today, right extremists are going around the country staging rallies
> just like the one in 1927 in Wedding. According to the civil rights
> advocacy organization the Southern Poverty Law Center, they pick places
> where they know antifascists are present, like university campuses. They
> come spoiling for physical confrontation. Then they and their allies
> spin it to their advantage.
> .<http://lists.csbs.utah.edu/options/marxism/causecollector%40msn.com>
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