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Intensity of Coalition's Raqqa bombardment greater than for all of
Afghanistan, official data shows


Written by Samuel Oakford on September 20, 2017

US-led Coalition forces are firing record numbers of bombs, missiles
and artillery shells into besieged areas of Raqqa city – part of a
bloody campaign to dislodge so-called Islamic State (ISIS) from its
self proclaimed capital. The assault is also reportedly killing
hundreds of trapped civilians every month – a charge the Coalition
strenuously denies.

On average one Coalition bomb, missile or artillery round was fired
into Raqqa every eight minutes during August, according to official
data provided to Airwars. A total of 5,775 bombs, shells and missiles
were launched by US-led forces into the city during the month in
support of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on the ground.

By way of comparison, US-led forces fired ten times more munitions
into Raqqa during August than were released by US aircraft across all
of Afghanistan for the same month (503), according to recent data
issued by Air Force Central Command (AFCENT).

Full: https://airwars.org/news/raqqa-bombardment/

This report is the seventh in a series of quarterly reports by Siege
Watch – a joint
initiative of PAX and The Syria Institute that aims to provide the international
community with timely and accurate information on conditions in
Syria’s besieged communities. This report focuses on developments from
May – July 2017. Data collected during the quarter from an extensive
network of contacts on the ground found that:

An estimated 821,210 people remain trapped in at least 34 besieged
communities across the country and nearly 1.7 million additional
Syrians live in “Watchlist” areas, under threat of intensified siege
and abuse.

The Syrian government and its allies remain responsible for the vast majority of
all of the sieges in Syria and for most of the threats to “Watchlist”

Notably, this reporting period saw the addition of al-Raqqa city to
the Siege Watch “Watchlist” for the first time, after US-backed SDF
surrounded it in June. This development is indicative of a dangerous
evolution of the tactics used by the US-led Global Coalition to defeat
Daesh and its partners on the ground. Reports from al-Raqqa suggest
that the SDF and Global Coalition are violating international
humanitarian law with indiscriminate attacks on civilian areas,
compounding the suffering of civilians already victimized by years of
ISIS rule.


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