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Trump dithers while Puerto Rico faces disaster 
(from the Detroit/Seattle Workers' Voice list for Sept. 29, 2017)

Puerto Rico has been devastated by hurricanes Irma and Maria. Not only 
buildings and infrastructure were damaged, but even plants have been stripped 
of vegetation, leaving the island bare and wiping out agricultural 
production. The electrical grid, shaky before the storms, failed over the 
whole island, and it is expected to take a months before power is restored to 

Puerto Ricans need food and water immediately. Without power, medicines and 
food spoil, and the water system is paralyzed, leaving many Puerto Ricans 
forced to drink contaminated water. Supplies have reached the capital San 
Juan, but rural areas have been isolated, and left without supplies.

This is a desperate situation. Now, it was known in advance that Puerto Rico 
might be hit hard by hurricanes Irma and Maria, but the Trump administration 
didn't care. And it has dithered in supplying aid even after the disasters 
have occurred.

It wasn't until five days after the Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico 
that Trump even bothered to tweet about it, and when he did, it was in large 
part to assure financiers and bankers that the Trump administration would 
insist on Puerto Rico paying them despite the devastation. The Trump 
administration didn't even arrange for a hospital ship to go to Puerto Rico 
until pressured by a petition, and it will still take a few days before the 
USNS Comfort is ready to go. After a week, he finally appointed someone, 
General Jeffrey Buchanan, to oversee military efforts to help Puerto Rico. 
And yet he is still hiding the extent of the danger facing Puerto Rico; and 
he is still boasting of his supposedly wonderful response to the hurricanes 
while not taking needed measures to ensure that supplies get beyond San Juan. 
Meanwhile Trump has concentrated on other things, from harassing anti-racist 
NFL players to having ICE carry out an oppressive four-day series of 
country-wide immigration raids against Latinos.

This has been a major scandal, as Puerto Rico and the much less populated US 
Virgin Islands have been treated shabbily even compared, not to their needs, 
but to how states on the US mainland have been treated after Hurricanes Irma 
and Maria. Preparations were taken ahead of time to prevent mass suffering in 
places like Texas and Florida, and government agencies acted relatively 
quickly. It shouldn't be forgotten that these steps have been flawed: for 
example, the vast amount of chemical poisoning caused by damaged oil 
refineries and chemical plants and Superfund sites has been glossed over by 
the government; undocumented workers in the hurricane areas will be left 
without recovery funds; insufficient attention is being paid to rebuilding 
properly to deal with future hurricanes; etc. But at least immediate steps 
were taken to prevent mass casualties. By contrast, the steps for Puerto Rico 
have been slow and ineffective, while financiers are preoccupied with how to 
squeeze Puerto Rico further despite the hurricanes.

Thus the federal government has taken a different attitude to Latino Puerto 
Rico and the largely black Virgin Islands than to other areas of the US. 
Well, Puerto Rico has been an "unincorporated territory" of the US since the 
Spanish-American war of 1898. Puerto Ricans have been US citizens since 1917, 
but they are second-class citizens, and Puerto Rico has been a colony. Puerto 
Ricans cannot vote in federal elections; Social Security benefits are less 
for those living in Puerto Rico; Puerto Rico receives less Medicaid funding 
then a state of similar size would; etc. Puerto Ricans in the US have also 
faced discrimination like other Latinos. And now we see this second-class 
status taking place with regard to hurricane relief.

There needs to be major aid for Puerto Rico. Hurricanes Irma and Maria 
weren't simply a passing inconvenience that will be overcome in a few days or 
weeks; we are now entering the era where one can't simply restore business as 
usual with a modest amount of emergency funds. Puerto Rico's economy has been 
annihilated for some time, and who knows what storms it will face next year 
or the year after. The following list is a start at indicating some of the 
steps that are likely to be needed.

(1) There must be immediate and effective relief throughout Puerto Rico. Full 
account must be taken of the destruction of the infrastructure and the 
isolation of rural areas. It is essential that water, food, emergency 
generators, and medicines be provided, and effective communications restore.

(2) There must be cancellation of the Puerto Rican governmental debt. It is a 
major scandal that even before food and water are ensured for the hurricane 
survivors, the financiers and the Trump administration are concerned with 
squeezing Puerto Rico for debt payments. The power grid isn't back up, and 
won't be for months, emergency supplies haven't arrived for most Puerto Rican 
residents, but already some of the financiers have presented a new plan to 
have PREPA, the Puerto Rican Power Authority, guarantee payments to them no 
matter what happens to the Puerto Rican economy. The important thing for 
these loan sharks was to guarantee their place in line ahead of other 
creditors. What a greedy sense of priorities these coupon clippers have!

Even before the hurricanes, the Puerto Rico economy looked something like 
that of Greece, with the economy declining while workers are being squeezed 
to pay off an absurd level of debt which, in the case of Puerto Rico, is over 
$70 billion. The economy has been stalled for a decade; infrastructure has 
been allowed to decay, which is part of the reason the power grid went down 
so completely before Hurricane Maria; and social programs were being cut.

And then last year the US Congress passed the bipartisan PROMESA bill to 
prevent Puerto Rico from defaulting on its debt. It takes decisions on the 
economy away from the Puerto Rican government; it imposes extreme austerity; 
it relaxes environmental reviews; and it ensures that economic decline will 
continue as far as the eyes can see. It contains outrageous measures like 
permitting a $4.25 an hour minimum wage for workers in Puerto Rico who are 24 
years old or less. In line with such plans, it was announced earlier this 
year that 178 schools in Puerto Rico were to be shut down, and $450 million 
was to be cut from the university budget: a strike on May 1 protested these 
and other cuts.

Given the devastation by the hurricanes, PROMESA is more cruel, barbaric, and 
unrealistic than ever. It  must be repealed, and the entire debt canceled. 
The Puerto Rican people have already paid for that debt by years and years of 

(3) There should be programs to help people survive a year where there will 
be no agriculture, no power for up to half a year, and extreme economic 
hardship. This is not simply a question of providing grants for some 

(4) There should be an end to the privatization drive. PROMESA provided for 
extensive privatization of government functions, and the financiers will be 
using the devastated conditions of the Puerto Rican economy to press forward 
this plan. Bu this makes a mockery of any serious effort to restore Puerto 
Rico to a livable condition.

(5) There should be more of a direct mass role in Puerto Rican governmental 
and relief agencies. For a start, they must be more transparent. This is the 
only way to improve their operation and, among other things, prevent more 
scandals. It is a way to provide more pressure for these agencies to orient 
to providing services for the people, rather than payoffs for the officials. 
For years, the Puerto Rican and mainland American bourgeoisie have milked 
Puerto Rico with financial scandals, leaving the masses to pay the bill by 
saddling them with debt and cutbacks.

And (6) the reconstruction of the Puerto Rican infrastructure and economy 
must take account of environmental conditions that Puerto Rico will face in 
the future. This year's disasters are a warning. Global warming is here, and 
we need both to protect against those changes that are already inevitable, 
and to do our best to help limit the extent of global warming.

The Trump administration will fight against such a program; it will take 
popular support for Puerto Rico to get at least some part of these measures. 

-- Joseph Green

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