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The Labour Party's Thought Police -- sorry, Compliance Unit -- has really done
it this time in its campaign against party members who are left-wingers and
critics of Zionism. It has expelled Professor Moshé Machover, a founder of the
Israeli socialist group Matzpen, on the grounds of anti-Semitism, for an
historical study that he wrote for the Labour Party Marxists. This is truly the
theatre of the absurd... or the 'big lie' of Goebbels... or the jurisprudence of

Moshé's article can be found here <

Moshé's comments  <

More at Tony Greenstein's site <

Paul F

* * * 
Below is the Jewish Socialist Group's statement on this farce <

Dr Moshe Machover – a lifelong Israeli socialist, anti-racist and
anti-imperialist, who has lived in Britain since 1968 – has been expelled from
the Labour Party accused of writing “an apparently antisemitic article” and
accused of “involvement and support for” two organisations, the Labour Party
Marxists and the Communist Party of Great Britain.

The accusation regarding the “antisemitic” article references the controversial,
flawed definition of antisemitism, which the JSG and many others on the left
have challenged <

Moshe Machover has been a friend of the Jewish Socialists’ Group for more than
30 years. He has spoken at JSG meetings, written for Jewish Socialist magazine,
and participated in campaigns for social justice with us. We know him as an
outstanding and sophisticated thinker and analyst, a fighter for human rights
and social justice, and a consistent opponent of all reactionary ideologies and

The JSG is not affiliated to the Labour Party but we have strongly criticised
the right wing-led campaign to smear left wing activists as antisemites <

The Labour Party has a duty to take action against genuine examples of
antisemitism and other forms of racism and bigotry. In line with the Chakrabarti
Inquiry, however, we:
* favour education rather than heavy-handed disciplinary measures
* expect transparent, fair and just process with regard to complaints against
* support Shami Chakrabarti’s desire to encourage respectful free speech within
the Party.

The JSG chooses to support individuals suspended or expelled from the party on a
case by case basis.In this case we fully support Moshe Machover and call for his
expulsion to be rescinded and for his immediate reinstatement as a member of the
Labour Party.

The JSG recognises the article by Moshe Machover, that has been cited,as a
critique of the political ideology of Zionism, not of Jews. Indeed the article
exposes antisemitic ideas.

The JSG rejects any McCarthyite-style attempt to expel members for alleged
“involvement and support for” other left groups on the basis of writing articles
and attending and participating in meetings. It is common practice for Labour
members of all levels to speak and participate in events of other groups, and
have articles published, representing their individual viewpoints, in a range of

Solidarity with Moshe Machover!

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