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Here are segments of a video of an important union meeting that was held in

*Tony Mazzocchi of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers (OCAW) speaking at
a meeting of AFSCME Local 444 in favor of a labor party (in 1989).*
*If this reformist union leader could understand that it was a class
question, why can’t socialists?*

In that year, AFSCME Local 444 in Oakland, CA, sponsored a meeting for Tony
Mazzocchi, national secretary treasurer of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic
Workers (OCAW) to speak on the need for a labor party in the US. Mazzocchi
later said that the success of that meeting and a similar one in New York
was what inspired him to start a national organization called Labor Party
Advocates, later called the Labor Party. In actuality, it never became a
real party and, in fact, never really got full lift off. The main reason
was that Mazzocchi was unwilling to make an open break with the rest of the
national union leadership. However, that meeting has some small historical
importance. Also what was said at it is significant and helps give a sense
of the times and how they differed from today.

A video was made of that two hour meeting. We reproduce below an edited
version of that video in four segments of about 15 minutes each. We are
doing it that way because most people won’t watch a two hour video, but
we’re putting the link to the full video here also, if anybody wants to
watch it. Also, we are putting an audio-only link here for those who like
podcasts at the bottom of this page.

"No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them."
Asata Shakur
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