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Over on my FB wall, concerning Hayek,  someone once remarked:

"I made it halfway through The Road to Serfdom (unabridged, with all the barbs 
directed at now forgotten supporters of social welfare in the UK left in to 
show it's a much more focused polemical work) before tossing it across the 
room. The straw that broke the camel's back was his contention that firms 
*internally* work like markets. I'm like, OK, he's never had to work for the 
private sector, and said fuck him."

I remarked that Hayek should have read some Ronald Coase. 

As Coase pointed out, firms internally DO NOT work like markets and Coase makes 
the argument why that should be rational behavior on their part, and more 
importantly, why firms should exist in the first place within a market economy.

Also, it should be pointed out that when he wrote that, Coase was a socialist 
(he would later become a conservative). He was a close friend of Abba Lerner, 
and like Lerner, was at that time very much interested in the "socialist 
calculation" debate.

One of his concerns at that time was to show how to reconcile the apparent 
economic success of the Soviet Union with the neoclassical economics that he 
was committed to. His paper, "The Nature of the Firm" sketches out the kind of 
economic reasoning which could reconcile support for socialist economic 
planning with a commitment to neoclassical economic theory. For Coase, the key 
concept here was that of "transaction costs", which denoted the costs incurred 
by relying on the market and price system for organizing economic activity. 
It's precisely because transaction costs are often of significant size that 
people turn away from direct reliance upon the market and price system. Coase 
also used the concept of transaction costs in his famous 1960 paper, "The 
Problem of Social Cost", where he presented what has come to be known as 
"Coase's Theorem."

 Coase's Theorem has often been taken as constituting some sort of refutation 
of A. C. Pigou's analysis of externalities. But Coase himself insisted that in 
most cases involving environmental pollution and probably for most other kinds 
of externalities, the relevant transaction costs are of significant size, in 
which case, Pigou comes back into his own again. It is interesting to note that 
both Oskar Lange and Maurice Dobb used Pigou's analysis of externalities to 
make their cases for socialist economic planning. And the young Ronald Coase 
himself had been supportive of socialist economic planning precisely because he 
believed in the existence of high transaction costs.

 And in his Nobel Lecture, Coase admitted as much concerning his own history:

"The view of the pricing system as a co-ordinating mechanism was clearly right 
but there were aspects of the argument which troubled me. Plant was opposed to 
all schemes, then very fashionable during the Great Depression, for the 
co-ordination of industrial production by some form of planning. Competition, 
according to Plant, acting through a system of prices, would do all the 
co-ordination necessary. And yet we had a factor of production, management, 
whose function was to co-ordinate. Why was it needed if the pricing system 
provided all the co-ordination necessary? The same problem presented itself to 
me at that time in another guise. The Russian Revolution had taken place only 
fourteen years earlier. We knew then very little about how planning would 
actually be carried out in a communist system. Lenin had said that the economic 
system in Russia would be run as one big factory. However, many economists in 
the West maintained that this was an impossibility. And yet there were factori
 es in the West and some of them were extremely large. How did one reconcile 
the views expressed by economists on the role of the pricing system and the 
impossibility of successful central economic planning with the existence of 
management and of these apparently planned societies, firms, operating within 
our own economy?"

BTW I should point out that the young Ronald Coase had studied economics at the 
London School of Economics where he attended the famous lecture course that was 
taught jointly by Lionel Robbins and Friedrich Hayek, so he had absorbed many 
of Hayek's thought concerning how the price system works but which he had used 
to reach conclusions at variance with Hayek.

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Louis Proyect via Marxism <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>
Subject: [Marxism] Fwd: The centrally planned economy, Hayek, and the red spot 
of Jupiter. &#65533; Cold and dark stars
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2017 15:23:52 -0400

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