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In general, I consider Michael Roberts to be an excellent economist, producing a lot of useful and serious material. But on China, he clearly wrong. China is not a deformed workers state but an emerging imperialist power.

I fear Michael Roberts is (consciously or unconsciously) trapped by his old Grantite myth which derived the class character of a state from the ideology of the leading party. This is why Ted Grant saw "proletarian Bonapartism" (and hence "deformed workers state") all around the world including in Syria, Ethiopia, Burma or Yemen.

Those interested in an overview of China's capitalist economy including current figures can take a look at chapter 4 of a recently published pamphlet by Michael Pröbsting: The China-India Conflict (IV. China as an Emerging Great Imperialist Power), https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/china-india-rivalry/chapter-4/

Am 26.10.2017 um 16:29 schrieb Andrew Pollack via Marxism:
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I agree with David about the seriousness of Michael's analysis. My gut
reaction is to disagree with his conclusion, but when I feel the need to
intervene in a discussion on the topic I'll sure as shootin' start with
Michael's article (with Richard Smith as counterpoint).

p.s. On the bureaucracy itself, see this new interview with Au Loongyu:

As for the Grantites' historical method, here's a glaring example:
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