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Journal of the History of Ideas
Vol. 29, No. 2 (Apr. - Jun., 1968), pp. 231-252


 The XIXth-century founders of contemporary Marxism willed a
 surprisingly slim written legacy to their followers on what role, if
 any, nationalism would play in paving the road to socialism. Perhaps
 it was their preoccupation with economics, but the fact remains that
 neither Marx nor Engels took the time to lay down in black and white
 a cohesive national program for their disciples of yesterday and today
 to follow. Nevertheless, their comments on nationalism, scattered up
 and down their voluminous writings, had a significant effect on the
 revolutionary strategy of Lenin and the development of Bolshevik
 nationality policy. Their literary outpourings have assumed an even
 greater importance today in the face of the growing national move-
 ments in Asia and Africa. The conflict between nationalism and "pro-
 letarian internationalism" has sharpened in the last generation and
 posed a difficult question for Marxists concerning independence move-
 ments in the colonial and semi-colonial nations; namely, where do the
 loyalties of the industrial proletariat lie in freedom movements led
 by the national bourgeoisie?


This article is very good. Although it is on JSTOR, they make it available for free reading (up to 3 articles actually) by registering at:

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