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The murder of Luxemburg and Liebknecht by police under the Germany Social 
Democrat leadership - remains appalling and

an example of the treachery against our class by those Social Democrats who 
care more or influenced by the capitalists

and those in power, than the working class and those challenging capitalism and 

I want to point out that I only joined DSA after their August 2017 national 
convention when they voted to disassociate

from the Second International, reflecting significant political changes in DSA 
than that group held before 2017.And it is

easy to critique after events and the period of time taken in and not having a 
direct personal involvement in, to state one's

views of mistakes, when more is later known about decisions with less then 
known and what other forces were capable

of doing.  I say this because I still have much respect for Leon Trotsky, but 
not for many who call themselves followers of.

The cult of personality is a problem for anyone who views things scientifically 
and not with a religious closed mind.

While I was told by the U. S. SWP that they were expelled for their views 
around the French Turn, I later read and

learned a much different and more politically objective history than one 
faction's views to justify and promote that

faction over the need for a united anti-Stalinist left.  In 1936, the Socialist 
Party of America was engaged in factional

struggle with the "Old Guard" (Morris Hillquit and other older age leaders) 
against the Norman Thomas led "Militants",

more around generational than ideological differences, that the Norman Thomas 
wing won.  Negotiations between

the Norman Thomas wing and the Workers Party (later to be the U. S. SWP), led 
to the Workers Party members then

welcomed into SPA membership. The Workers Party held similar views with the 
Thomas led faction, on opposition to

Stalinism and on labor union activism and favorable support of the CIO with 
industrial unionism over the then narrow

orientation of the AFL craft unions and business unionism approach.  The 
Workers Party (SWP) also shared with the

pacifist led Thomas SPA wing, opposition to the U. S. government taking steps 
towards militarization and war.

Note: this is another discussion than this on the reasons for the Workers Party 
(SWP) expulsion in 1938 from the SPA,

 and on what is now fully known about Nazi Germany's development then of the 
atom bomb.  Real events should affect

historical decisions and later hindsight review of, unless one is thinking 
religious and cult like and not logical and scientific.

The Norman Thomas "Militant" faction of the SPA was comprised of three wings: 
the "Altmanite" (led by Jack Altman)

which was the right wing faction, the "Clarity" (led by Gus Tyler) and the 
"Appeal" left faction that the Workers Party (SWP)

was with.  There was also the "Constructive" faction based mainly in the U. S. 
Midwest (led by Dan Hoan).

The "Socialist Appeal" faction (led by James Canon) held their own separate 
organizational gathering in Chicago in

February 1937 prior to the planned March 1937 SPA National Convention also held 
in Chicago. Because of the fiery

speech by James Burnham then with the Workers Party (and later who moved to the 
extreme right wing and founded

the National Review magazine still today publishing pro-capitalist views) who 
focused his verbal attacks on the other

SPA wings rather than the capitalists at the Feb. 1937 Chicago "Socialist 
Appeal" faction gathering , it allowed

the "Altmanite" faction to push for immediate expulsion of the Workers Party 
(SWP) members but the Thomas wing

refused to expel the Workers Party at the next month's SPA national convention. 
 This as a result of a meeting between

Norman Thomas and James Canon and the other factions where it was agreed that 
no efforts would be made to expel,

But the agreements and understandings made at that meeting were soon violated.

Recognizing that the "Clarity" faction had decided to stand with the 
"Altmanites" and the Thomas group, Leon Trotsky

himself suggested to James Canon to provoke a split from the SPA with focus on 
disagreements over Spain.  At a meeting

of the "Appeal" group National Action Committee in June 1937 they voted to 
again publish their faction's newspaper

Socialist Appeal, that was one of several faction's newspapers disbanded at the 
March SPA national convention in an

effort to tone down factionalism and disunity.  The Socialist Appeal newspaper 
contained open attacks on the American

Labor Party and its endorsed candidates  which incited the other SPA factions 
and allowed the Altmanites faction to

win expulsion of the local Workers Party (SWP) at a August 9, 1937 SPA New York 
City Local Central Committee meeting .

Wholesale expulsions then took place nationally in the SPA.  Jack Altman, the 
SPA New York City Local Secretary (leader)

declared the Trotskyists were expelled for attempting to undermine the 
Socialist Party of America, their open refusing to

abide by the decisions of the SPA National Convention and sole allegiance to 
the Fourth International grouping and for

the Appeal faction carrying out public disagreement with the SPA ledership in 
public press and gatherings.  The Socialist

Call editor Gus Tyler wrote his faction's agreement with the "Altmanite" 
faction to expel the Workers Party  members.

The factional havoc immobilized the SPA, with loss of most of their activist 
youth in YPSL joining the Workers Party

"Appeal" faction and the "Old Guard" forming then as well the Social Democratic 
Federation of America.  By 1940, the

SPA consisted of only a shell of the previous group with mainly pacifist 
members.  The CPUSA was then able to dominate

the U. S. left until the 1960's and the rest is history.   Who most benefited 
from this?  Not our class!  The momentary

small gain in members for the Workers Party did not lead to anything.  
Factional thinking was deepened to become a

part of the culture of the then U. S. SWP in opposing different internal views 
and driving out anyone who thought and

did not conform.   "Democratic Centralism" was in name only - with only the 
centralist part promoted and that what

today the remaining cult membership of the current U. S. SWP is - where they 
promote "iconic leaders" and oppose

free thought and speech among even those professing loyalty of that group and 
their "dear leader".

Our class needs to get organized and that requires the current factionalized 
and ineffective left, being replaced with

new political formations.  My political judgment was to join the DSA, which I 
hope will become a major opponent to

capitalist attacks on our class and our only planet's environment.  One can sit 
on the sidelines and complain, but that

may not change or affect anything.  I prefer to help promote class awareness 
and the need for working people to

organize against exploitation and injustice and this new DSA  seems the logical 
vehicle with thousands of more also

doing the same.  But if one only wants to have internal fights and not organize 
the working class to defeat the capitalists,

then stay where you are.  But for the others in the United States who want to 
be effective - this is "where the action is".

The SWP held a non-authorized national conference of their faction

and rebuffed efforts of Norman Thomas's faction to compromise and stay 
together.  The CPUSA was then frantic in

lies about Trotsky and his supporters, as being all fascist agents and this was 
pressuring some of the SPA members.

There were

From: Dennis Brasky <dmozart1...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 5, 2017 6:09 AM
To: John Obrien; Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Eric Blanc: The Ballot and the Break (the case of the 
Mn. Farmer-Labor Party).

I'm not so certain that the "French turn" - entering the social democratic 
parties in the 1930s when they got an influx of young people new to radical 
politics and turned off by the ultraleftism of the Comintern' s "third period" 
- was a "sectarian mistake." Trotskyists in Spain refused to enter the Spanish 
social-democracy, so the Stalinists did and became a major force on the Left. 
The SWP entered the SP in 1936 - at the invitation of that party's leadership - 
and recruited its youth wing. The Trotskyists didn't split from the SP - they 
were expelled, a bureaucratic organizational maneuver to prevent them from 
politically winning over more of their ranks.

John asks - "How did the workers in France, the United States or elsewhere 
benefit with these weakened social democrat groups facing the fascists?" Let 
him answer - how did the workers of Germany in the late 1920s/early 1930s 
"benefit" from a strong Social-Democratic Party (SPD)? How did the working 
class of Europe "benefit" from their strong and unchallenged-from-the-left 
social-democrats between the years 1914 and 1918??? Social Democracy after WW1 
was not some new organization that sprang onto the scene without a thought-out 
program. It was a hardened counter-revolutionary force. If Rosa Luxemburg, Karl 
Liebknecht and all those German leftists murdered by rightists supported by the 
SPD in 1919 were here, they'd testify to that!

On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 2:45 AM, John Obrien via Marxism 
<marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu<mailto:marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>> wrote:

I recently joined DSA.  We do not need a "French Turn"  That was a sectarian 
destructive tactic that resulted in
only harming any needed effort for a large united left. This is an example of 
bad education promoted in the US SWP to justify their wrong approach that we 
often see being done by other more recent groups such as the      U. S. 
Sparticist League.

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