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January 23 marked the 5th anniversary of the death of Dolours Price.  She
and her sister Marian Price were captured in Britain, where they were part
of the IRA's efforts to take the war to the imperialists.

In prison they went on hunger strike to demand they be sent back to the
north of Ireland to serve their sentences, they were force-fed by the
Brits.  Their health never really recovered.

Both sisters opposed the sell-out by the cabal around Gerry Adams and
continued to struggle for the national emancipation of Ireland and the
liberation of the Irish working class.

Below is a tribute to Dolours by former IRA chief-of-staff and first
president of Provisional Sinn Fein, Ruairi O Bradaigh:

The socialist-republican party Eirigi put out a good statement on the
vindictiveness of the British state towards the Price sisters (for
instance, at the time of Dolours' death, Marian was being held without
trial in the north and was refused leave to attend the funeral):
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