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> Liberals and the leaders of almost every gun control organization that has 
> help organize or supported
> the recent student demonstrations are indeed anti-gun and want to ban guns, 
> full stop.

Who? Every time I see a liberal politician talk about gun control they start by 
talking about how much they love guns.

Maybe there are organizations pushing for disarming cops, repealing the second 
amendment and a federal buy-back program, but I'm guessing they are very small 
and powerless, if they exist at all.

Which is very much an issue and you claiming that liberal leaders are pushing 
changes that will actually make a difference just helps re-enforce the right 
wings narrative. Except for the ban on semi-automatic weapons. That would make 
a difference in the number of dead kids in school shoots. I have no idea how 
anyone can oppose that. 

Beyond that I don't see liberal leaders offering much to support. They put 
forward crap like focusing on the "terror watch list" or city hand gun bans 
that do nothing because you can simply skip over to the suburbs to pick one up.

The idea that it is more guns that the country needs would be laughable if it 
wasn't so sad and deadly. 

Also, I don't know that DW said this but it is something I often hear, that 
guns will help against police murder. Where does that come from? 

We need socialist gun control organizations that push for disarming cops, not 
socialists seemingly saying the Black men murdered by cops who "thought" they 
had a gun would have been alive if they actually did have guns. 
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