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DW has asked me to tell the list where I disagree with the article in Socialist 
Action.  I will deal with the two parts of the article that I find the weakest. 
 They are at the end of the article.  

* * * * * *

From Socialist Action

Meanwhile, liberal gun controllers continue to whine about gun violence on a 
small scale while refusing to demand democratic control of the huge forces of 
force and violence that carry out U.S. foreign policy and that can be used 
against us domestically at any time if the ruling class only dares.


In a Jan. 4, 1990, speech, Fidel Castro stated: “To some of the Western 
countries that question democracy in Cuba, we can say: There can be no 
democracy superior to that where the workers, the peasants, and the students 
have the weapons. They have the weapons. To all those from countries that 
question democracy in Cuba we can say: Give weapons to the workers, give 
weapons to the peasants, give weapons to the students, and we’ll see whether 
tear gas will be hurled against workers on strike, against an organization that 
struggles for peace, against the students….

“I believe that the supreme test of democracy is arming the people! When 
defense becomes the task of the entire people and weapons become the 
prerogative of the entire people, then they can talk about democracy. Until 
then, they can talk about specialized police forces and armies; to crush the 
people whenever the people protest against the abuses and injustices of the 
bourgeois system, whether in a Third World capitalist country or in a developed 
capitalist country.” —G.B.

* * * * * *

I think it is a mistake to say that those who decry school shootings “…whine 
about gun violence on a small scale…”.  If we are to approach the young people 
who are going into action on this issue, we should avoid labelling them as 
whiners.  Of course, if we think they are too reactionary to merit us 
approaching them, then we can call them whatever we want.  Beyond calling them 
whiners we could also accuse them of being privileged white children out of 
touch with the reality that many others have to face.
When we consider what is gun violence on a small scale it is worth remembering 
that the shootings at Kent State left four dead and at Jackson State two were 
These shootings provoked a massive reaction across the US.  Why should the 
shooting at Parkland provoke a lesser reaction?

As for Cuba, I am ignorant of exactly how working people in Cuba have access 
too guns.  Do they have the guns in their homes or do they access them at their 
places of work?  One thing I am sure of is that individuals in Cuba cannot go 
into a retail outlet and buy an assault weapon.

Further on Socialist Action.
Socialist Action has an affiliate in Canada.  They use the same name and they 
sell the same paper.  In the Socialist Action newsletter that I received today 
they did draw attention to the current article and to another one on gun 
But, to the best of my knowledge, Socialist Action in Canada has not 
specifically addressed the question of gun control when it has been debated in 
Canada.  Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can correct me on this.
They will have an opportunity to address this issue again as there its 
currently a petition campaign addressed to Mountain Equipment Co-op asking them 
to drop products from Vista Outdoors, a US company that manufactures 
semi-automatic weapons among other things.

      ken h
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