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Police officials showed markedly less interest in lessons on
law-enforcement practice than in technical instruction on the massive
quantities of small arms, vehicles, radios, handcuffs, fingerprint kits and
other U.S.-funded police equipment that the MSU group procured and
dispensed. This raised an obvious question: In *Ramparts’ *words, “What the
hell is a university doing buying guns, anyway?”

For a university to provide such systematic cover may have been unusual,
but academe was one of many institutions, including the Fourth Estate, that
the CIA penetrated during the Cold War. It recruited or placed dozens,
probably hundreds of operatives as foreign correspondents and stringers. In
1977, the* New York Times *identified
than 30 who had worked at 22 major media outlets, including CBS, *Time *and,
naturally, the* New York Times*.

Since then, Michigan State has undergone a collective process of
self-examination over its role in Vietnam. In 1998, its university press
released Ernst’s *Forging a Fateful Alliance*, the most complete history
published of the MSU Group. Formerly assailed for packing its Vietnam
records away uncatalogued, the university has since digitized more than
80,000 documents and posted them online
<http://vietnamproject.archives.msu.edu/>. Any academic or intellectual
tempted to enlist in future U.S. efforts to remake other nations would do
well to consult both.

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