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This promises to be an extremely useful book. IMO comrades should organize
study groups and public events around it.
P.S. Michael's mention of the German Customs Union makes me wonder what the
partisans of the "no capitalism without slavery" school would say about
Germany's stages of development.
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From: Michael Roberts Blog <comment-re...@wordpress.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 3:05 AM
Subject: [New post] Marx 200 – a new book
To: acpolla...@gmail.com

michael roberts posted: "My new book is ready.  Called Marx 200 – a review
of Marx’s economics 200 years after his birth, it is published by Lulu and
will be available on Lulu’s site just after Easter. With the 200th
anniversary of Karl Marx’s birthday on 5 May, I thought "
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New post on *Michael Roberts Blog*
<https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/author/bobmckee/> Marx 200 – a
new book
by michael
roberts <https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/author/bobmckee/>

My new book is ready.  Called *Marx 200 – a review of Marx’s economics 200
years after his birth*, it is published by Lulu and will be available on Lulu’s
site <http://www.lulu.com/shop> just after Easter.


With the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx’s birthday on 5 May, I thought it
might be useful to attempt to explain Marx’s economic ideas and their
relevance to modern economies 200 years after his birth.

So in this short book, I argue that Marx developed three key laws of motion
of capitalism, around which a clear analysis of the nature of modern
economies can be understood. From these laws, we can understand why
capitalism cannot escape being subject to regular and recurring slumps;
causes vicious rivalry among national states that leads to perpetual wars;
and engenders uncontrolled and wasteful use of natural resources that now
threatens the destruction of the planet itself.

Marx’s laws also tell us that capitalism is not here for eternity but has a
finite existence. The question before us, 200 years after Marx’s birth, is
what would replace it as a mode of production and social organisation for
human beings on this planet?

The development of Marx’s economic thought can be divided into four parts:
his childhood; as a young man; as a mature man; and the old Marx.

In his teenage years, he was under the influence of his father and his
father’s friend, Count Von Westphalen. They were both men of the
enlightenment, followers of the ideals of the French philosophers and
revolution. Marx was born just after the end of the so-called Napoleonic
wars and at the start of a gradual economic recovery in the petty German
statelets. When Marx went to university in the late 1830s, he was a radical
democrat in opinion, one of the ‘Young Hegelians’, who were philosophically
opposed to religious superstition and autocracy.

The period of Marx as a young man from the point of him leaving university
and without an academic post was one of radical upsurge in ideas and
political action in Europe. Britain was in the midst of the ‘industrial
revolution’ with all its expansion of machinery and goods and the
accompanying dark exploitation of labour. The Reform Act of 1832 had given
the middle classes the vote but now there was pressure from the Chartist
working class movement for full franchise. In Germany, workers in the towns
were organising for the first time and peasants in country were growing
restive. Economically, in 1840 there was the establishment of the German
Customs Union, the Zollverein, which brought an end to trade barriers
within the Prussian sphere of influence and began a huge economic upsurge.

On leaving university, Marx became a radical journalist with a growing
materialist conception of class struggle. Marx started to take an interest
in economic developments under the encouragement of his new and eventually
lifetime friend, Friedrich Engels. Engels lived in the heart of Capital,
Britain’s industrial Manchester, and was already writing on the economic
and social consequences of capitalist development. Marx and Engels became
communists, an ideology designed to replace capitalism as a mode of
production and social organisation with communal control, with the working
class as the ‘gravediggers’ of capitalism to deliver this. They wrote the
Communist Manifesto in 1848 (Marx was 29 years old), just before the
outbreak of the revolutions against autocracy across Europe. The manifesto
intuitively recognised the nature of capitalism, but without expounding any
economic laws of motion.

The defeat of the 1848 revolutions and Marx’s eventual exile to Britain
began the period of mature Marx (aged 32 in 1850) that lasted until the
defeat of the Paris Commune in 1871 (aged 53). This turned out to be the
period of the long boom in the European economies. Britain was the dominant
economic and political power and thus the best placed to study the
economics of capitalism. The boom revealed to Marx and Engels that there
was no short-cut to revolution and capitalism still had some way to go in
its spread across the globe. The first international slump in 1857 did not
lead to the collapse of capitalism or to revolution. Marx concentrated on
organising the first international party of the working class (the
International Working Men’s Association) and on writing his main economic
work, Capital.

The defeat of the Paris Commune in 1871, followed by the financial panic
and crash of 1873 in the US, which spread to Europe, set the final phase of
Marx’s life. It was also the start of what was eventually called the
(first) Great Depression, where the major capitalist economies struggled to
recover from crashes and became subject to a series of slumps. This was a
vindication of Marx’s laws of motion. Marx died in 1883, in the depth of
the latest slump in Britain.

Marx remained an obscure figure in economic and political thought after his
death, except in the circles of the leaders of the burgeoning social
democratic parties of Europe after the Great Depression came to an end. In
this new period of economic recovery of the 1890s, unskilled workers formed
trade unions and working class organisations built mass political parties
with increasing voting power. Marx’s ideas now became more widespread. The
victory of the ‘Bolshevik’ (majority) social democrats in the Russian
revolution in 1917 then placed the works of Marx and Engels on the world
stage through the 20th century.

The book will look back at Marx’s economic ideas and see just how relevant
they are for 21st century.
*michael roberts <https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/author/bobmckee/>*
| March 27, 2018 at 7:05 am | Categories: capitalism
<https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/category/capitalism/>, economics
<https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/category/economics/>, marxism
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