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"That is literally all I have been doing."  I suppose it would be  helpful
if you could provide us with one example of a post where you protested the
Left for tolerating a form of racism that's not anti-Semitism.

"Sheldon Ranz thinks Tony Greenstein is anti-Semitic for using the prefix
"Zio" which means "Zionist". No it does not mean Zionist.  It means 'evil
Jew' and it was first popularized by Klansman David Duke long before Tony
Greenstein. Greenstein has been made aware of this.  The fact that you
can't even come to grips with that basic fact makes you the troll.

"Sheldon's entire  worldview about Zionism in that he attempts to make it
compatible with liberalism and democracy."  Israel's Declaration of
Independence is compatible with liberalism and democracy.  As for
"Zionism"'s compatibility with those two, who the hells knows what you mean
by Zionism?

Needless to say, I can't speak for Jeff.

Sheldon Ranz

On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 1:28 PM, A.R. G via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> ********************  POSTING RULES & NOTES  ********************
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> "If you know of forms of racism that are "tolerated" by the left, then why
> the hell aren't you fighting THAT racism? Can't you speak up when you see
> such injustice, AS THE REST OF US TRY TO? "
> That is literally all I have been doing. That is what half of my posts on
> this list-serv that you have turned into a cesspool through posts like this
> have been about.
> You posted the same clipped text, so the only purpose of this new topic is
> for you to (yet again) falsely insinuate that my comments about racism are
> a guise for normalizing anti-Semitism. Jeff, you are once again *proving my
> point*. The original, taken from my criticism of self-declared Zionist
> Sheldon Ranz, is here:
> " *Specifically, this: http://socialistcurrents.org/?p=2914
> ^^^Outside of the obvious racism that underpins comments like:
>  "Demand #3 [The right of Palestinians to return to their lands] appears to
> be the “tricky one”, since, on first glance, it plays into fears that it
> mandates Israel allowing a flood of Palestinian refugees that would turn
> Israel’s Jewish majority into a minority. *Not only is this highly
> unlikely, since Jews have not flooded Israel under the Jewish Law of
> Return, but the demand’s wording only deals with the principle of the Right
> of Return and does not concern itself with its actual implementation.*"
> There is also the obvious thread that runs through Sheldon's entire
> worldview about Zionism in that he attempts to make it compatible with
> liberalism and democracy. It is a racist whitewash and would explain why
> Sheldon Ranz thinks Tony Greenstein is anti-Semitic for using the prefix
> "Zio" which means "Zionist". That is not being "part" of the BDS Movement,
> that is co-opting it with bigotry against the very people he claims to be
> defending. Gross.
> That is putting aside all of the other bizarre and straightforwardly racist
> comments he has made in prior discussions.
> *Ironically, Sheldon proves the point I made earlier in this thread:
> that anti-Semitism is treated exceptionally on the left while other forms
> of racism are tolerated, and much if not all of the fuss is itself rooted
> in anti-Arab bigotry that Sheldon Ranz embodies with his unwelcome
> "support". *
> Jeff is trolling in defense of Sheldon Ranz and his whitewashing of
> Zionism. The point shouldn't even need to be labored this much, so Jeff is
> apparently doing the kind of thing that nitpicky prosecutors do: purposely
> removing quotes from context to cast suspicion on defendants. Sheldon (and
> now Jeff) are literal proof that the exaggerated claims of "left
> anti-Semitism" are designed to validate other forms of racism. Jeff is
> literally doing that in this very thread that he began by taking my
> comments about Sheldon Ranz blatantly racist statements about Zionism out
> of context. Then he asks why I haven't condemned those racist statements
> when they're literally the only things I've posted about. ???
> This is trolling.
> Amith R. Gupta
> On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 1:18 PM, Jeff via Marxism <
> marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
> > ********************  POSTING RULES & NOTES  ********************
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> >
> > On 2018-03-29 18:29, A.R. G via Marxism wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Are you joking? Jeff, the only person that wrote that was you.
> >>
> >
> > No, I'm not joking, and you conveniently clipped the original exchange
> > from your reply. So I'll restore it. I was responding to what YOU had
> > written:
> >
> > On 2018-03-29 15:04, A.R. G via Marxism wrote:
> >
> >> anti-Semitism is treated exceptionally on the left while other forms of
> >> racism are tolerated
> >>
> >
> > So I'll put it a different way: If you know of forms of racism that are
> > "tolerated" by the left, then why the hell aren't you fighting THAT
> racism?
> > Too busy? Well then just start by telling the rest of us what we have
> been
> > "tolerating" for so long (because we're supposedly too busy fighting
> > antisemitism") and DEMAND that we stop our treachery! Can't you speak up
> > when you see such injustice, AS THE REST OF US TRY TO?
> >
> > Or is this just an attempt to normalize racism?
> >
> > - Jeff
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  I never
> >
> >> suggested that anti-Semitism be tolerated, only that the inequality of
> >> "tolerance" indicates that the obsession with anti-Semitism (including
> >> yours) is itself a sign of inequality (by definition). So if you are
> going
> >> to accuse me of tolerating anti-Semitism you should not be able to
> >> fabricate quotes in this manner.
> >>
> >> Amith R. Gupta
> >>
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