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The US began bombing Syria in Sep 2014, since then has launched
100,000 bombs and missiles, has killed thousands of civilians, has
sent in several thousand special forces embedded with the YPG, has
three airbases in Rojava, has totally obliterated 90% of Raqqa.

So I'm sorry, did something else happen today? There seems to be a lot
of noise about a "US attack on Syria". Are these all old messages from
Sep 2014 being massively re-posted in some Facebook mess-up? Did the
US attack some other country today but everyone got confused that it
was Syria? Someone help me with this.

(I say all this with the understanding that 7 years of the fascist
regime bombing its own people and destroying every city in its
country, killing upwards of 500,000 people and uprooting half its
population, and 3 years of White Russian imperialism coming in and
being to Syria what the US was to Vietnam, are mere trivia and no
concern to the above noise)
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