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 Anti-imperialist in essence, as elucidated via dialectical analysis (and
dialectical logic) in Chapter Five, which is available online here
<https://www.ebeefs.com/blog/2018/3/31/arab-spring-is-a-spring-of-lies> and
here <https://www.pambazuka.org/human-security/arab-spring-lies>. Conceive
of a very skillful cowhand taming a  young mustang, essentially getting the
beast to do her/his will.  Roughly analogous to what happened in North
Africa seven years ago. From the analysis in Chapter Five we know that the
revolts were very predictable affairs. Those societies were tinders
awaiting ignition. Imperialism triggered and then hijacked them.  Not so
unthinkable in a dialectical and concrete totality replete with, in fact
defined by, contradiction.  Because of false consciousness and the reified
appearance of phenomena, we could not crack the mystical shell. I mulled
over it for seven years but it was only after finally going back to my
books and studying and applying the master's method meticulously like a
devoted pupil  that I was able to finally get at the rational kernel.  All
is revealed in the book.


>I am not sure if I understand what you say: do you suggest that the Arab
>Spring was an anti-imperialist uprising instigated by US imperialism?

> My new book, "The Dialectic & the Detective: The Arab Spring and Regime
> Change in Libya", can be per-ordered before the publication date of 24
> April.  (Its price may change after publication.)
> The book is a dialectical investigation of the Arab Spring.  Its main
> theses are i) the Arab Spring was essentially anti-imperialist ( not
> anti-local dictator), and ii) the Arab Spring was instigated by the US to
> provide cover for the murder of Gaddafi and regime change in Libya.

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