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Lou wrote on the right to die:

(When you get to be a certain age--ahem--this question becomes more and
more urgent. It is the same fucking bastards who are trying to make
abortion illegal again organizing against the right-to-die. I don't know if
Barbara Ehrenreich gets into this in her new book, but I'll be damned if I
have to endure 6 months worth of torture when dealing with a terminal

I support this totally and for the same reasons no doubt. BTW the pro-life
bastards who go on about the sacredness of human life are generally also
for every fucking war there ever was and are pro-captial punishment as well.



On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 1:36 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> (When you get to be a certain age--ahem--this question becomes more and
> more urgent. It is the same fucking bastards who are trying to make
> abortion illegal again organizing against the right-to-die. I don't know if
> Barbara Ehrenreich gets into this in her new book, but I'll be damned if I
> have to endure 6 months worth of torture when dealing with a terminal
> illness.)
> NY Times Op-Ed, June 8, 2018
> Let Dying People End Their Suffering
> By Diane Rehm
> It was an emotional moment for my friend and for me. As we sat in the
> living room of her home in California, she told me that the breast cancer
> that had been responding to treatment for several years had spread
> throughout her body. “It’s everywhere now,” she said, adding without a
> trace of self-pity: “I have less than six months to live. I’m so grateful
> that I won’t have to spend my last days or weeks in extreme agony.”
> She could tell me that because California’s End of Life Options Act —
> supported by 76 percent of her fellow Californians, passed by the State
> Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown — had gone into effect
> on June 9, 2016. The law made it legal for doctors to prescribe drugs to
> end the lives of terminally ill patients, and my friend found solace in
> knowing she would have this choice. Her husband and children, who had seen
> her bear years of chemotherapy and other treatments and supported her as
> her pain intensified, wouldn’t have to watch cancer torture her mercilessly
> as it took her life.
> California’s law was modeled after the one enacted in 1997 in Oregon, as
> were similar laws in Washington, Vermont, Colorado and, most recently, the
> District of Columbia and Hawaii; Montana also permits this end-of-life
> option as a result of a judicial decision rather than legislation.
> But this source of comfort was ripped away from my friend and her family
> last month when a judge in Riverside County overturned the law on a
> technicality. His reasoning? The measure was passed during a special
> legislative session dedicated to health care issues, and complainants
> argued that it wasn’t about health care.
> Try telling that to my friend or the many others whose lives were upended
> by the decision of the judge, Daniel Ottolia. As opponents of the law
> cheer, she and her loved ones prepare for the anguish to come.
> My children and I can empathize. In two weeks, we will mark the fourth
> anniversary of the death of John Rehm, my husband. He, too, had under six
> months to live and, he, too, was suffering to such a degree that he begged
> for medical aid in dying. But that option was not available in Maryland,
> where he was in an assisted living center. He ultimately chose to end his
> life by refusing to eat, drink and take medications. It took him 10 long
> and miserable days to die.
> As in my friend’s case, my husband was already going to die. He had
> Parkinson’s disease, which left him unable to feed himself or do anything
> else without assistance. He did not choose what some insist upon labeling
> “suicide.” Those who commit that act do not want to live. Most terminally
> ill patients like John would choose life if they could.
> So today my friend and many other Californians are staring death in the
> face, without the degree of control over it that the End of Life Options
> Act briefly granted them. Some people will say they should place their
> faith in treatments to ease their pain. But despite the compassionate work
> of hospice and palliative care personnel, those treatments have their
> limits and cannot offer all patients the end-of-life experience they seek.
> Furthermore, as my friend told me, “I am the only one who can define when
> my suffering has become unbearable.”
> John’s death reinforced my belief that medical aid in dying should be a
> choice available to all Americans. That’s why I have been interviewing
> patients and doctors for a documentary on the subject, “When My Time Comes.”
> What’s happening in California now is an unnecessary tragedy. Judge
> Ottolia’s decision is being appealed, and a hearing will be held later this
> month. But it could take many months to play out in the courts — months
> during which dying patients will be denied the option to mitigate their
> pain and distress. The Legislature could reintroduce the measure and pass
> it anew — but that process will also take time.
> I believe that this must and will be remedied. My confidence comes from
> the fact that individual Americans seeking autonomy are driving the
> national movement for medical aid in dying. Nearly three-quarters of
> Americans believe that terminally ill patients should have that option.
> Let me be clear: I understand that many people believe that only God
> should determine the time of their death, and I support them 100 percent.
> Others want every additional minute of life that medical science can give
> them, and I support those people 100 percent. But the end of life is an
> extremely personal experience. If, when my time comes, I see only
> unbearable suffering ahead of me, then I want my preference to have access
> to medical aid in dying to be supported 100 percent, as well.
> As Archbishop Desmond Tutu has written, “Regardless of what you might
> choose for yourself, why should you deny others the right to make this
> choice?”
> The California law was allowing patients that choice. Its nullification is
> causing them cruel and unnecessary torment.
> Diane Rehm, who hosted “The Diane Rehm Show” on NPR for 37 years, is a
> producer of the forthcoming documentary “When My Time Comes” and host of
> the podcast “On My Mind.”
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