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On 6/23/18 6:17 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

Boris Karloff playing Kurtz.


Paul Buhle had this to say about Boris Karloff:

Karloff was not a red, but he was a militant unionist, one of the boldest to get into organizing an SAG when it was dangerous to a career to do so.

And when the lawyer-lady Weinstein went abroad to do TV, she first landed in Paris, did a detective series with Karloff as star (in English) and then moved her operation to London, where she developed Robin Hood and some others less successful, with blacklisted scriptwriters including some pals of mine, like Ring. Her daughters were film producers in the 80s (I interviewed one) and I have always wondered...were they all part of the Weinstein family with Harvey....Dunno.
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