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"The key difference between a reformist Labor Party and the Democratic
Party is based on class."

There is a shibboleth in the Trotskyist movement that this is from Lenin,
but it's not actually what Lenin argued. He said "the Labour Party is a
thoroughly bourgeois party" (
-- and this is just one example). There's a history to arguing that a
"bourgeois labor party" is a party based on the workers but with bourgeois
leadership and that that was Lenin's concept. However, as one can see
reading this https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/oct/x01.htm
in context the term Lenin used was “bourgeois Labor Party”, i.e. “the Labor
Party is a bourgeois party” (note the capitalization--which can be
inconsistent in various editions but again, in context this becomes clear).

One can make an argument for this idea of voting or working with based
solely on the class-basis of parties and ignoring everything else, but it
should at least be made with the awareness that this isn't what Lenin
argued and I haven't seen anyone do that: he was for the CP working in and
voting for the British Labor Party and he thought that party was a
bourgeois party. For Lenin, the class-basis did matter in that that was why
he urged the building of a separate working-class political organization,
but it did not tie down his thinking from considering a range of tactical
and strategic options--including working within and voting for--in
relationship to other parties, including bourgeois ones.

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