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On 7/1/18 3:12 PM, Jason via Marxism wrote:
Let us as you say, not base our approach on chapter and verse and instead
consider the situation Debs was in, which was fairly unique among countries
with elections and a socialist left at that time, where you had two parties
agree to a counterrevolutionary outcome to end Reconstruction, and further,
the Democrats from their founding had been the more reactionary party, and
yet--due to the particular history of the US and plantation slavery--they
were the party that would feign to be more pro-"working class" and
pro-union and thereby by-and-large ended up absorbing the initial attempts
at reform or working class parties. Debs in my estimation was reacting,
appropriately, to that history.

I do not think that is the situation we are in today.

Probably not but I would not vote for any candidate who belonged to a party that dropped atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that used chemical and biological weapons in Korea, that invaded Vietnam, toppled a democratically elected president in the Dominican Republic through a coup backed by the Marines, that terminated Aid to the Families of Dependent Children, and that has backed Predator drone attacks on Muslims across the planet.

I don't give a shit if I remain unrepentantly the last Marxist in the USA and Bhaskar Sunkara becomes the Secretary of State in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's cabinet in 2024. I'll be dead by then but certainly expect a revolutionary movement to have developed that understands the ABC's of socialism.
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