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Louis Proyect wrote

NY Times, July 28, 2018
As Affordable Housing Crisis Grows, HUD Sits on the Sidelines
By Glenn Thrush
This past week I read this moving account of what it's like to be a poor person in the inner cities of America. It's graphic and compelling. The story is told by an expert, painstaking ethnographer named Matthew Desmond, who now teaches at Princeton. Desmond immersed himself for months in  a run-down trailer park and then a multiple dwelling house in inner-city Milwaukee. He gained the confidence of the people around him sufficiently to be able to follow them closely in the endless hunt for housing after multiple evictions, into the small claims rental courts, through the street culture of a large city, camped out on the streets with their meager belongings when the sheriffs showed up. He documented the ruinous, racking effects of the housing crisis as it is experienced by millions in the US.

This is the synopsis online:


   Poverty and Profit in the American City

By Matthew Desmond
Evicted /(2016) tells the heartbreaking story of the individuals and families who struggle to get by in the United States’ poorest cities. Despite their best efforts, many of these people have fallen into a vicious cycle of poverty that has left them at the mercy of greedy property owners who don’t hesitate to evict families at the slightest provocation. To take a closer look at the details of their lives, we’ll focus on the inner city of Milwaukee and the tenants and landlords who populate this deeply segregated area.

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