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Louis Proyect says:

"I don't see how anybody in their right mind would find William Blum
credible at this point. In fact, I am disappointed that CounterPunch
would publish his crap."

I am not familiar with the writings of William Blum.  I just quoted his 
statement  - "Even if you assumed that all the charges made about “Russian 
interfering in the elections” were true, and put them all together, they still 
wouldn’t have a fraction of the impact on the 2016 elections as did Republicans 
in several states by disenfranchising likely Democratic voters (blacks, poor, 
students, people in largely Democratic districts), by purging state voting 
lists" - because it seemed relevant to my argument ("All this talk about 
Russian interference in the election is a distraction.  It diverts attention, 
not only from the shortcomings of Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, but also 
from the undemocratic nature of the US political system").

Is Blum's claim about Republicans "disenfranchising likely Democratic voters" 
correct?  If so, I think it should be given more attention than claims of 
Russian influence.

Chris Slee

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