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Alienation is not only a feeling of detachment from the world, in Marxism
it is a condition of literal theft. Workers exit the day with less than
they had when they entered — Americans know this instinctively if not
explicitly, which is why our national dream is to “work for myself” before
a company “uses me up.” A reality show about the line cooks at a moderately
expensive brunch place wouldn’t feel anything like Nosrat’s slow-food
explorations; there’s nothing calming or even appetizing about the
necessary to cook for someone else’s profit
<https://www.theguardian.com/books/2000/aug/12/features.weekend1>. When it
comes to food, industrial efficiency is often gross.

Contrariwise, unalienated labor is sublime. This is virtuosity performed
for its own sake, and it’s the truth behind the saying “the best things in
life are free.” For example, hallowed above all on fine-dining TV from *Top
Chef *to *Chef’s Table* is the concept of the “family meal” — the
pre-service food that chefs cook for their restaurant staff. Unlike the
alienated dinners they’ll serve later, family meal is a place for
experimentation and risk. You can’t buy your way in, it’s the workers’
privilege alone. Most creative professions have their version of the family
meal, and those of us who work in those jobs are willing to trade a lot for
the occasional unalienated moment when we can give and/or receive work

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