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This raises the issue of the contradictory nature of Labour parties as
“bourgeois workers’ parties”, parties which have a capitalist programme and
orientation and a working class base of support. In particular, it raises
the issue that these kinds of dialectical contradictions cannot be
sustained indefinitely. We know from dialectics that specific sets of
contradictions cannot be permanently sustained. Quantitative change
eventually produces a rupture amounting to a qualitative change.

It could be argued, in particular, that once Labour-type parties get into
government the contradiction between their capitalist programmes and
working class social base is resolved through the triumph of the
pro-capitalist aspects of these parties over the working class aspects. The
internal contradiction, summed up in the “bourgeois workers’ party”
formulation, is resolved, giving rise to a new, external contradiction –
between Labour as a capitalist party and the working class. Once they begin
administering the capitalist system, they became purely bourgeois parties,
no matter what links they maintain to trade unions or what votes they may
still be able to get sections of workers to give them. Over time, this
tends to lead to changes in the membership and political identity of these
parties, too. For instance, workers drop out, middle class people join and
unions increasingly fall away.

That has been the trajectory of the Labour Party in New Zealand from its
earliest days. The overall significance of the Labour Party in relation to
the working class has been neatly summed up by Shane Hanley: “Labour’s role
has been to suck in, contain and suppress working class political elements
within the framework of a bourgeois political party. The only real danger
for the Labour Party is that the working class should become politically
organised outside its ranks.”[78]

Although this work is ssentially about the NZLP it also deals a bit with th
British LP and Lenin's analysis of it:

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