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Your observation about state sectors in capitalist economies is very appropriate. It is a bit funny in my opinion that various pro-China "Marxists" defend their view by referring to China's significant state sector (State-Owned Enterprises - SOE). They seem not to have heard about Lenin's category of "state-monopoly capitalism" but rather imagine that capitalism can only exist as neoliberal.

I had a correspondence today with a Russian comrade who correctly pointed out that not only China but also Russia has a sizeable state sector. He agreed that these are - both in China and Russia - state-capitalist corporations. This is why the imperialist Forbes and others list so many Chinese SOE in their top ranks. Furthermore, let us not forget that even on a formal level the SOE constitute only a minority of China's GDP and industry output.

China's capitalist character is proven, among others, by its declining share of wages and the rising share of profit (and income inequality in general). Comrades might be interested in the following pamphlets which deal with these issues:

https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/china-india-rivalry/ (Chapter III and IV)

https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/the-catastrophic-failure-of-the-theory-of-catastrophism/ (Part 4)

Am 18.11.2018 um 17:53 schrieb John Reimann via Marxism:
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Is the Chinese economy dominated by the capitalist mode? I don't really
have enough information to say decisively, but it seems to me that the
decisive issue is NOT whether the state sector dominates the economy. After
all, there have been many capitalist countries with huge state sectors. The
decisive issue is whether the economy is dominated by state planning. And
with that in mind, here's a figure: 22% of the housing in China is vacant.
(In the US, the rate is slightly over half that.) This is not because of an
expected boom in demand from a youthful population. On the contrary, the
population is aging in China. Nope. It's good, old fashioned rampant


John Reimann

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
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